Motorized Cosplay: Chain-Axe of Khorne Rocks!

By Drago | October 4th, 2017 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Cosplay, Warhammer 40k News


Sometimes cosplay isn’t good enough… Sometimes the creativity steps into overdrive and you create things like working chain axes!

Take a look at this amazing chain axe kit done by Obsessive Creative Disorder. By popular demand, due to his success with chain swords, the chain axe took off in creation, the plan coming to fruition through trial and error. Through mechanical design, improving the motor mechanism, and pressing on through errors that arose, the chain axe that was borne would bring great pleasure to any World Eater  (or other chaos marines), as well as Khorne himself.

The first Chain Axe has to be World Eaters!

The axe is complete with some intricate skull motifs, World Eaters emblems, Chaos symbols, wrapped handle, and lots of Blood for the Blood God (of course!). The chain itself works with the push of a button on the handle, whirling around and ready to eviscerate anyone in the way of the Bloodthirster! Even without the additional fresh blood, the blade looks absolutely amazing. The detail added makes the entire difference. Khorne will be quite pleased with this new addition to his army, as well as the sacrifices of fresh blood used to…”decorate” the blade.

Would you like to know how it was annointed in the blood of a thousand virgins? How a hundred techpriests screamed out in pain and then never again as it was created? How the schematics were transmogrified through the power of the warp?

OCD uses laser cut MDF to create the blade kit, based on the original chainsword kit designs completed. By popular demand, the chain axe was created to make a new kit for other cosplayers, or people who want an amazing addition to their chaos collection. Creating the World Eaters color scheme was a style choice for painting up the completed first product.

From making chainswords, and finding issues with initial designs in creating the working blade, OCD was able to make tweaks and adjustments to his designs and make this awesome kit. The kit requires assembly and paint, so comes with assembly instructions. These are available by contacting OCD via private message through his Facebook page to discuss production and shipping cost. No set price is currently available.

OCD has plans to continue to expand his projects and weapon kits offered out. Perhaps we will see Thunder Hammers in the future, or even Voidblades! That would make cosplays and even hobby rooms very fun, indeed!

Visit Obsessive Creative Disorder for more amazing cosplay products (and humor)! Check out the axe whirling to life by pressing play on the video below!