Chaos Comes to Life With Creature Caster Demons

By Guest Author | May 11th, 2017 | Categories: Chaos Daemons, Product Review, Videos


Don’t miss these awesome looking Demons! Today Rob is here to show us some amazing new Demon models from Creature Caster!

Creature Caster has created some fantastic Greater Daemon substitutes with these astounding models.  Follow along as Rob unboxes the Plague Angel, the Vulture Demon, the Spider Demon, and the humungous Warrior Demon!

A departure from the typical Plague Daemon appearance, this beast is more skeletal than pustulated!  His crazy scythe looks just like what we think Mortarion’s scythe would look like!

Plague Angel

This warty angry looking bird daemon is perfect for your next Tzeentch Daemon collection!  Covered in fantastic details, this thing gives even the new GW model a run for its money in the awesome department!

Vulture Demon

The Spider Demon is exactly what we think of when we imagine a new Keeper of Secrets!  This model looks exactly like a scaled up Daemonette of Slaneesh.  Equipped with a choice of nasty swords and 4 creepy spider limbs extending from her shoulders, this is an excellent addition to any daemon army!

Spider Demon

This humungous Warrior Demon comes with two weapon options.  One is a gigantic halberd/sword combination, the other is a skull and bone encrusted blade!  We cannot stress enough just how ginormous this thing is!

Warrior Demon

Check out the whole unboxing video below!

All of these crazy models are available from the Creature Caster website for $100-120 Canadian.