Save $$$ Wrath & Rapture Box Contents Breakdown

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Is the new Wrath & Rapture Box set a good deal for your hobby dollars? Check out our break down of the contents of the new Starter Box set and see!

Wrath & Rapture was one of the highlight previews along with many others from the Vigilus Day Open event.  Games Workshop may have accidentally revealed the back of the Wrath & Rapture box long enough for us to get a look at the contents!

Now that we’ve seen exactly what comes inside the Box Set, let’s break down the potential cost of all the units.

Wrath & Rapture Box Set Contents

Now it looks like the very video above held the secrets to the contents of the box set!  Right around the end of the video with a little luck, you can pause the box set flip to reveal this gem:

Wrath & Rapture box set contents units

So from this, it looks like the box will contain the following units, both new and old, including fluff books and what may be tokens or markers of some sort?

For argument’s sake, we will say that, like all other Box Sets, Wrath & Rapture will more than likely be around $150. On top of that, we’ll be using the old pricing for the updated models that come inside.

wrath and rapture 3

  • New Slaanesh Herald, but is labeled: Infernal Enchantress $22.25 (She will more than likely be $25 like all other updated heralds).
  • 3x Fiends of Slaanesh (New!)   $24.75 ea. (74.25)
  • 10x Daemonettes $29
  • 5x Seekers of Slaanesh $29 
  • Karanak (New!) $22.25  (He will probably be in the realm of $35 with the new update)
  • 5x Flesh Hounds (New!) $49.50
  • 10x Bloodletters $29
  • 3x Bloodcrushers $50 (1/2 a box set)

Total MSRP: $305.25

Total Savings based on a box set price of $150: $155.25

slaanesh harp

Like we said before, we’re going off the current prices on the old models. Depending on which way GW goes, they could stay the same or go up.

Either way, if the box turns out to be $150, this will be a great deal. Players can split the box and have a solid foundation for an army devoted to their favorite Chaos God, well as long as it is Khorne or Slaanesh that is.

What do you think about the models coming inside Wrath & Rapture? Will you be splitting a box with a friend? Which faction do you want more?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.