Dark Angel Primarch Lion El’Jonson Model REVEALED

Primarch Lion El Jonson Wal HorCheck out these first images of the new model for the Dark Angel Primarch Lion El’Johnson, as the Lion is going to be finding his way into Horus Heresy!

The first week of the Biggest GW Previews ever are here! Rescheduled due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community today! Stepping into the Horus Heresy, Lion El’Jonson’s model has been revealed and man, is he looking wicked!

gw preview adepticonSure we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, (like Fabius Bile), however here’s the latest on The Lion!

Campaign Book Nine Announced- Crusade

We know he’s also coming alongside the Thramas campaign, which we’ve already seen some fair details on in the past.

horus heresy night lirds dark angelsAnother campaign book is also coming pitting Dark Angels and Night Lords against one another in the Thramas sector. It’ll be titled “Crusade” and we can also expect new models (probably Legion-specific) to hit the arsenal as well.

That’s not all! Along with the book, 2020 will see some amazing new models released that tie in with the Thramas conflict – all of which we’ll take a look at in due time. Meanwhile, the Siege of Terra series from Black Library will continue apace as Horus and the traitors press on with their attack on the Imperial Palace. 

Dark Angel Primarch Lion El’Jonson Model REVEALED



dark angels lion 2


dark angels lion 3Clad in Dark Angels iconography from head to toe, he’s posed mid-swing on a Night Lord who shouldn’t have come to work that morning.

lion eljonson horus heresyThe new Lion El’Jonson model is every inch the perfect embodiment of the questing knight. He is clad in the finest armour available and covered in the iconography of the Dark Angels. The Primarch also comes with the option to be assembled with or without his helmet. This impeccable fighter even has a choice of which weapon he will cut through the traitors with – the Lion Sword or the Wolf Blade. Finally, his gaming base slots into a diorama base with a heap of dead Night Lords at his feet, representing part of the bloody Thramas campaign.

dark angels lion 1OH BOI HE COMIN! Lion El’Jonson is stepping onto the tabletop cleaving through any marine stupid enough to cross his path. With two head and weapon options, you might want to magnetize him once he finally drops. Let’s face it, there’s a pretty big difference between a chain/power weapon.

With all of this finally announced, we’re sure if you listen close enough, you can hear Dark Angels fans cheering all around the world right now. The Lion’s model is absolutely stunning and intricate. It’s going to be awesome to watch him wading through traitors on the table.

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Which weapon will you be giving the Lion once he’s ready for the tabletop? Have you already started building up your Dark Angels forces?

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