Grey Knights & 2 More 40k Army Lists That Shocked the Meta

Grey Knights Wal Hor

Want more some inspiration for your next Warhammer game? Check out these 40k homebrew army lists that shocked the meta last week.

Everybody knows that the same 5-6 40k lists are good and there’s no spice to it. But some hobbyists rise to the challenge and bring the units that nobody uses. Turns out, they end up doing pretty well! Check this batch of awesome army lists out.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the tournament details as if we were there ourselves!

Vulkan’s Summer BBQ: Grey Knights- Zachary Sanders

Grey Knight list

grey knight list

When we first saw that Grey Knights placed 2nd at an ITC event two weeks ago, we had to rub our eyes and make sure that was correct. Zachary had the cajones to throw an ALL GREY KNIGHTS list together and managed to wreck people below him. Looking at the list, a battalion was taken led by Grand Masters in Dreadknights. They’re one of their best units because they slap in melee and an easily achievable invuln is always nice.

Cheap Troops were taken with a majority of the points thrown into the Fast Attack slot. Interceptors have teleport packs that essentially give them the FLY keyword. With each one getting a pair of falchions, they were able to bury the enemy in -AP attacks.

As for the rest of the list, Drago hung back with Purgator squads decked out with Psilencers. This was the dakka aspect of the list and with all the rerolls from Drago, they were able to pelt the enemy in a hail of psychic ammunition. Plus tailoring against their opponents with an assassin provided extra psychic, DPS, or character killing power as well.

With this list running MSUs, it looks to have taken everyone by surprise. Great job!

Battle in the Bush: Dark Angels- Colin Johnson

luther dark angels


Battle dark angel 1

Looking at this all- Dark Angels list, a cheap Scout battalion was taken for the CP battery. But that wasn’t the main work force of this list…

battle dark angel 2

Colin brought Ravenwing after Ravenwing after Ravenwing to play. Being led by Sammael in his hoverbike, this Ravenwing force brought some real firepower at deadly speed. Bikes armed with boltguns and chainswords combo’d with Black Knights with Corvus Hammers, this force was fully themed and had ALL of the weapons.

As if  15+ bikes didn’t give enough speed, he also took some Land Speeders with missile launcher to help crack armor from range. Overall, this list is pretty straight forward and got the job done in a fluffy way. Great job!

Battle in the Bush: Space Marines- Alex Rymill

Ultramarine Wal Hor


battle ultra 1Looking at this Ultramarines list, it’s almost completely different from what most of the army’s players run. Starting off, two Librarians (one in Phobos armor) hit the board leading a Battalion of Scouts for the CP.

battle ultra 2

Beyond that, Robbie G showed up along with Ol’ Tiggy in a Vanguard detachment loaded down with a Primaris Ancient, two chunky squads of Veterans, and some Victrix Honor Guard. But to make this detachment even better at combat, they were also given the Victrix Vigilus Formation so they could counter charge and beat down anybody that got too close.

battle ultra 3

Finally, with the leftover points, a storm cannon Leviathan hung back and threw down multi-damage shots while a Thunderfire cannon was used to halve the movement of enemy units. For objectives, a simple Scout Bike squad was also taken and used for their speed.

Great job!

What do you think about these lists? Have you been brewing up your own unique army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!