Top 5 Drukhari Kits GW Should Update

By Chris Lien | September 18th, 2018 | Categories: Dark Eldar Drukhari, Editorials, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

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The black sheep of Xenos, the Drukhari (otherwise known as Dark Eldar) are a tricky army to play with a very distinct aesthetic and style. Today we take a look at the Top 5 Drukhari kits that GW should update.

One of the armies with the greatest climb in quality since their initial release, their spindely, spike and chain-covered models have stood out very uniquely among the rest of the xenos, going from a very goofy 80’s heavy metal aesthetic to something sinister and devious. Their newer kits wonderfully-designed and crafted, there still stands a few noteworthy kits needing a facelift. Although most of these don’t cause problems with how they’re played, bringing them in line with the rest of their catalog would certainly bring some life to some people’s armies.

Here we’ll cover some of the ones that could use a freshening up.

5: Mandrakes


One of the arguably coolest units in terms of lore and design, Mandrakes sound like the embodiment of sinister deals, but unfortunately, a 5-man finecast kit where two duplicates are present hold the models from becoming truly amazing centerpieces for armies.

An ideal kit would be for something that’s simply updated. A better sculpt, with perhaps a few aesthetic options to really make them look nice.

4: Incubi


Akin to the Mandrakes, Incubi have the unfortunate fate of being a 5-man finecast kit with two pairs of duplicates, and being made of a soft, pliable resin instead of crisp, detailed, hard plastic doesn’t do any favors for those long vanes on their back and the huge blades in their hands. With how popular this unit has been over the years, it’s a surprise as to why GW hasn’t updated them yet.

As with the Mandrakes, a simple facelift is needed. Better poses, and better casting material will go a long way to making the Incubi shine.

3: Grotesques



The only unit left behind from the huge update Haemonculus Covens recieved with their supplement back in 7th edition. The Grotesque is a beast of a unit, but suffers from a single, monopose finecast model in a questionable pose akin to tip-toeing along ice as to not break it. Making properly-sized units with this important part of the covens quickly becomes expensive and disheartening to the hobbyist, who has to resort to some heavy conversion to avoid a group of frankenstein monsters all performing a dance routine.

These are in desperate need of the Zoanthrope update; a proper 3-man plastic kit with weapon options and better poses.

2: The Court of the Archon

court of the archon

These are an odd addition to the list. The sculpts themselves are quite nice and fine as-is, with lots of character and very clear shilouettes, but something could be said about trying to get the full court running all together.

With them all being separate, costly finecast blisterpacks, the court could potentially benefit from being re-sculpted into plastic and released as a full group kit with one of each member, potentially two for the clawed fiend. Not a big requirement, but getting these more accessible could see a rise in playing them.

1: Asdrubael Vect and his Dais of Destruction

dais of destruction

With the king of kabals missing in action since their 5th edition codex, there’s a big, glaring hole burning in every Drukhari codex. With Lilith and Urien leading the Cults and Covens respectively, it’s about time Vect should return to inciting fear in the hearts of Mon’keigh and other Xenos alike.

Returning in his iconic, personalized slave-crewed raider is a fun prospect, and could potentially be one of the cooler vehicle kits to be released in this age of Imperial rebuild and spreading chaos. Even then, a kit for Vect on-foot could be impressive just as well. Ideally, a kit that features both would be the prize to aim for in a perfect world of hobbying.

Regardless of what may come for Asdrubael, every Dark Eldar player eagerly awaits his return, with or without his ride.

What kits do you think need updates badly? Are there kits that need to be released to fill the needs of weapon options in certain units more than others?

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