Calas Typhon First Captain of the Death Guard

“Now we become Death, and the Destroyer of Worlds.”

Hi, Myles from Lil ‘Legend Studio here with the second Typhus / Typhon that I have painted. The first, the 41st millennium version can be found here. Like the first, I worked this model up from a white base coat shading with colours rather than black (a technique popular with our continental cousins). I wanted the armour to reflect the warping damage and inner corruption the Captain of the Death Guard has endured. The metallic indents located in the shin guard were given a surrounding wash of red ink to simulate an aggravated wound.

This was my first use to Games Workshop’s new technical paints (the rust and oxidation ones to be specific). I was keen not to overuse these as I think with this character especially the level of corrosion you paint on the model can obscure the detail. I’m happy with the balance I have struck.
The metals were shaded with Tamiya clear red, yellow, blue and green all mixed in varying degrees and applied with GW’s Agrax earthshade. The model was finished with a coat of varnish and oil wash to define the details and add grease effects.