Someone Got Ahold of The New Death Korps of Kreig Models Already

Lord Marshal Varnan DreirA leaked Lord Marshal Dreir box showing the model and sprues brings hope that a new 40k Death Korps of Krieg release is coming sooner than everyone thinks.

It’s not every day that hobbyists get a sneak peek of an anticipated release before it officially hits the shelves, but that’s exactly what’s happened with Lord Marshal Varnan Dreir and his upcoming Death Korps of Krieg Army Box. Just days after Games Workshop’s World Championships of Warhammer preview showcased the new Death Korps lineup, Dreir’s box art, sprues, and even a fully built model have already been spotted circulating online.

Krieg’s New Hero Spotted in the Wild

Death Korps of Krieg Lord Marshal Drier 2The first hint came with the sudden appearance of Lord Marshal Dreir’s sprue images online. These high-resolution photos gave fans an early look at the plastic components of the model, showcasing intricate details like his iconic Sabre of Sacrifice, his noble war steed, and the overall aesthetic of Krieg’s leadership.

Not long after, photos of the fully built Lord Marshal Dreir began to surface, suggesting that at least one lucky hobbyist managed to get their hands on the model far ahead of schedule.

Death Korps of Krieg Lord Marshal DrierTo make things even more exciting, Dreir’s box art has also been leaked. The packaging confirms that this model will be a key feature of the upcoming Death Korps of Krieg Army Box, which will include new units like Death Riders, Combat Engineers, and an artillery team.

While Games Workshop hasn’t provided an official release date beyond “2025,” the fact that these items are already in circulation strongly hints at an early launch next year.  However, this sprue says “2024,” so does that mean will we see these Death Korps Box sets sooner than expected?

What the Leaks Tell Us About the Lord Marshal Dreir Model

Death Korps of Krieg Lord Marshal Drier 6Some people have mentioned the gaping on the model, but it could just be a user error and not the sprue.

The leaked sprues and photos of the built Lord Marshal Dreir miniature give us plenty to talk about. Dreir’s war steed, for example, is a striking centerpiece, combining the gritty, industrial feel of Krieg with the regality of an Imperial officer. His Sabre of Sacrifice, highlighted in the leaks, appears finely detailed, hinting at its significance both in gameplay and in lore.

The model’s pose—confident yet dynamic—exudes authority, befitting a leader who doesn’t just command from the rear but charges into battle alongside his troops. The build also highlights Krieg’s signature grim aesthetic, from the heavy trenchcoat-style uniform to the subtle battle scars etched into the armor.

Hype Around the Early Appearance

Death Korps of Krieg Lord Marshal Drier 3What’s most surprising about these leaks is how complete everything looks. From sprues to a fully built miniature, it’s clear that production on this set pretty much done. Hobbyists are now speculating that Games Workshop may release Dreir and the accompanying army box far earlier in 2025 than initially anticipated.

This isn’t the first time the Warhammer community has been treated to pre-release leaks, but the sheer level of detail and completeness in these images makes this incident stand out. It also raises questions about how the model made its way into the hands of someone outside the official GW pipeline.

Whether intentional or accidental, these leaks have stoked excitement across forums, social media, and painting groups, with fans analyzing every pixel of the photos for insights into the new release. and seems to happen with nearly every release, so take that for what you will. 

What the Leaks Mean for Krieg Fans

Death Korps of Krieg Lord Marshal Drier 4For fans of the Death Korps of Krieg, these leaks are a signal that their time in the spotlight is fast approaching. Since their introduction as a full plastic range with the Kill Team starter in 2021, Krieg has captured the imaginations of both lore lovers and competitive players. The new army box—and Dreir’s leading role in it—cements their place as a fully realized faction in Warhammer 40,000.

The leaked images also showcase the evolution of Krieg’s model range. While the 2022 Kill Team release focused on infantry, this new box brings in mounted units like Death Riders, adding variety and tactical options for tabletop gameplay. Dreir himself acts as a powerful focal point, both thematically and mechanically, offering buffs to his Death Riders while holding his own in combat.

What’s Next for Lord Marshal Dreir and Krieg?

With Dreir’s box, sprues, and built miniature already making waves online, it’s only a matter of time before Games Workshop releases more official details. Whether the leaks prompt GW to move up its timeline or stick to its planned schedule, one thing is clear: Lord Marshal Varnan Dreir is already a star. If you’re a Krieg fan—or even just a Warhammer hobbyist curious about one of the most unique factions in the Astra Militarum—these leaks are the perfect excuse to start planning your next army. 

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What do you think about the model sprues and how it looks built?