Does Spikey Bits Steal Content?

Does Spikey Bits Steal Content?

Does Spikey Bits steal content? Are we causing chaos in the hobby world? Let’s clear the air and address some of the things you’ve heard online.

First off, we apologize if you’re here reading this instead of enjoying your hobby time. But hey, we’re here to set the record straight!

Setting the Record Straight

It’s unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected, that a small vocal minority has some strong opinions about Spikey Bits. With our amount of daily readers, we know not everyone will like what they see. And yes, some folks take to social media, especially Reddit, to voice their displeasure.

facebook World

However, it’s worth noting that less than half a percent of our social media audience comments negatively. Their comments often drive engagement due to the algorithms on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, which can amplify these voices.

We typically leave those comments up unless they’re personally attacking someone. It’s surprisingly effective for engagement, even if it occasionally validates biases against us in echo chambers. I sometimes jump in to clarify, but I generally don’t engage further.

Curious about specific accusations? Keep reading and decide for yourself.

Is Spikey Bits the Worst Thing Since Poop on Toast?

spikey bits steal content click bait rob baer

Let’s be real: the tabletop wargaming market is crowded! While we might not always get it right, we strive to be community builders, hobby educators, and promoters of smaller brands. We love this hobby and want to see it grow. Now, let’s dive into some of the big issues people seem to have with Spikey Bits.

Does Spikey Bits Steal Content?

James Fenlon

This rumor has been around for a while, primarily sparked by an automated response from our Facebook page that went awry. We once featured The Fenpyrian Forge’s work and credited them, but they didn’t want the article up. An automated response mentioned copyright laws, which created a misunderstanding.

automated response

The automated incorrect response from us

We talked it out and removed the post, but our automated response system was less than perfect. Now, we respond to messages manually.

You Didn’t Credit My Painted Miniatures

adepticon 2024

We often cover tournaments, sometimes with our travel expenses covered. We credit the tournament and try to get pictures of display boards to give proper credit.

We use only submissions sent to us, posted on our Facebook, or from tournaments we cover. If you think we used your content without credit, email us at, and we’ll address it.

For news like new minis or rules, we believe in fair use but still try to credit every source. We’ve still got a Sisters of Battle army box from 2019 waiting for the first creator who can prove we “stole” from them.

Rumors, News & Misinformation

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Rumors make this hobby fun! Sometimes we report rumors that turn out to be false, and we always try to make it clear when something is just speculation. We aim to balance actual news with fun speculation, but we’re human and sometimes get it wrong.


We try to build the community, educate hobbyists, and promote brands. Sometimes we’re critical of Games Workshop, and other times people think we’re too lenient. Not everyone will agree with our opinions, and that’s okay. We stand by what we believe.

Legal Action

Contrary to some beliefs, we’ve never thrown lawyers at anyone over site content. If someone wants content taken down, we generally comply. We use only fair use content and properly sourced material.

Site Ads

New site Layout

We use Google-generated ads, which means we have no control over what appears. The ads you see are based on your cookies and browsing history.

Spikey Bits Writes Clickbait

clickbait definition

Everything online is designed to attract clicks. We’ve never published a post that didn’t deliver on its title. People often react to titles without reading the full article, but our content always backs up the headline.

Publishing “Fake Content”

We once posted about a supposed Balance Datasheet that turned out to be fake. We included a disclaimer, but many commenters missed it. This post has been cited as an example of our “clickbait,” but we made it VERY clear from the start that it could be fake.

Allegedly this new 40k balance dataslate was posted on Warhammer Community and then removed, however, some people claimed to have grabbed some screenshots of most of it.

The most interesting (and potentially NOT good idea to us) part of it is they are just banning people from taking units. Instead of NERFING the datasheets, they are just taking units out of the game. Some completely for match play, and in other terms just restricting the number you can take, thus overwriting the rule of three.

Spotted on Reddit, it looks like these leaked these 4 days early from the looks of it, but they are leaks, so we don’t know everything yet, so take them with some salt as there is a possibility that this is fake.

fake content comments

fake content comments

fake content comments

Responding to Accusations

The irony is that the commenters have literally become the thing they accused us of in the first place to farm “Karma.”

We know accusations can circulate on platforms like Reddit, often fueled by competition and jealousy. These claims have never been proven and lack substantive evidence. We stand by our work’s integrity and invite anyone with genuine concerns to present their evidence for us to address appropriately.

Final Thoughts

Are we perfect? No. But we love the hobby and want to see it grow. We appreciate all the support over the years and hope you’ve enjoyed Spikey Bits, whether you love or hate us. Sometimes we take stances that rub people the wrong way, and that’s okay. If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.

Hopefully, this clears things up for you. Now, go enjoy your hobby time!