Dropzone Commander: On the Horizon Part I

By Meeker | July 17th, 2013 | Categories: Dropzone Commander

If you haven’t been keeping up with Hawk Wargames, new releases are being spoiled and man do they look sweet.

If you thought the Ferrum was cool (and it is), check out this bad boy. The new PHR Hades is Hawk’s biggest and most ambitious figure yet.

If you’re new to Dropzone Commander and take a look at the units in the rule book, the factions seem to have a lot in common in terms of army composition. Each faction has a heavy, medium, and two light Dropships. They all have basic and heavy tanks, APCs, infantry, etc… Well, that all started to change with the first wave of experimental units. The factions started to get truly unique units. The Scourge got the flying mortar (or tadpole) known as the Annihilator. The UCM got the Ferrum Drone Base.

With the second wave, we’re starting to see more unique units. The Hades easily takes the cake as being one of the coolest in the entire range, and we’re only seeing renders. I’ll let the pictures do all the talking.
If you noticed on that last pic, the Hades is capable of riding in the Poseidon. If you look at the top of each leg, you’ll see a round connector. These connect where the six walkers normally would go. The tail folds flat to rest down the middle of the back between the rows of vents. Hawk is still keeping things in scale, so my hats off to them.
The Scourge new unit seems to be a strike aircraft. The top half in the same as the Intruder light transports so this new unit probably isn’t a fast mover. *sigh* Oh well. At least it has some nasty looking cannons. Take a look at the pics and judge for yourself.
Over the next few days we will probably see the new Shaltari and UCM units. My money is on artillery or new artillery/big gun units. Hopefully we continue to see each race become more and more unique as the armies get fleshed out with new and awesome units.