New Friendlier 40k Army Lists Emerge From ETCs

By Mismatched Play | August 10th, 2017 | Categories: Editorials, Mismatched Play

European Team ChampionshipDid 40k just get friendlier? Max Dubois of Mismatched Play, is going over a couple of interesting army lists from the European Team Championship.

Last week was the ETC ( European Team Championship ) and every year these lists form the core of what we see in tournaments (2015 brought the Warp Spider Spam and Thunderdome list in 7th edition )


  1. Russia
  2. Poland
  3. France

Shout out to my homeboys from team Canada, that while not getting a spectacular finish this year, played in style and won Best Painted team.

You can find the standings as well as each rounds pairings on here.

You can find the ETC lists on our lists page here.

Now this is great and all, but what’s more interesting is that in the 27 lists of the top 3, there are some really cool, not really spammy cookie cutter lists.  Yes, the spam and obvious lists are there too, but here are a couple of the nice and diverse ones:

From Russia’s

Stephen Zotov’s list can give nosebleeds.  I swear.

From Poland’s

Now with the new book you really want an Ultramarine HQ so switching Kayvaan Shrike is mandatory, but this list is a pretty unique ( compared to other Robert Lists )  and balanced take on the boys in blue.

The other list features 5 Onager Dunecrawler and that’s just adorable.  Spider tanks, spider tanks!

What do you guys think, did I miss anything?

You can check out the full article with the full list breakdowns on Mismatched Play.

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