Crack Open the Nostalgia Box: Remembering RuneScape

By Wesley Floyd | July 17th, 2020 | Categories: Editorials, Gaming, Warhammer 40k Rumors

runescape nostalgia walA lot of us grew up on RuneScape. Shoot, some of us still play it today. Check out some of the best (and worst) memories of this insane game.

Speaking from personal experience, I grew up on RuneScape and it still holds a special place in my heart today. Some of my friends and I even get together every now and again to party up and adventure. However, it’s not been quite like the old days of logging on right after school and logging hours and hours just to get a Rune Platebody. Anyway, here are some of the best and worst (but altogether fond) memories of the OG RuneScape!

The Wilderness

runescape wilderness 1If you were like me, you only made this mistake once. But being lured out into the wilderness by a high-level player was never a good idea. You probably died and lost what you thought was the dopest gear of all time… Like your addy longsword, anti-Dragonfire shield, and a full set of black plate armor.

Fast forward, you also probably turned into that high-level player and tried to hunt for people that stepped too far past the wildy line!

Castle Wars

runescape castlewarsIf you liked the PVP aspect of the game but didn’t want to lose your stuff when you died, you probably headed over to Castle Wars and fought harder than you ever have in your life. Between blowing up the mines leading to your castle from underground and joining the mages and archers on the castle walls to fling anything you could find at the enemy busting down your door, this was probably my personal all-time favorite place to play.

runescape caslte wars decorative armorRemember saving up your tickets for this and thinking you were the hotness? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

First Encounter With a Dharok’s Player

dharok setYou also might remember fighting a dude with full Dharok’s for the first time. You were probably kicking his butt. But with only a sliver of health left, he crits for a stupid amount and one-shots you. Yep. Happened to the best of us.

The Banger of the Millennia

port sarimIf you remember this place, you’d know it’s home to the best song ever crafted in 8-bit. SEA FREAKIN’ SHANTY #2 BABY. While this place was mainly just a port that brought you to other parts of the world, it had the dopest soundtrack in the entire game.

Sleight of Hand Traders

runescape tradingThe Old School players know this one as well. Ever traded someone and have them pull their item out of the “offer” section? Remember that sting of handing over 100k for free and there being really nothing you could do about it? Oh yeah, this is one that really hurt. Luckily, Jagex updated the trading menu to essentially eliminate that problem from happening. But man, while you were able to do it, some people got seriously heated.

runescape meme nice

That One Guy With the Dwarf Cannon

runescape dwarf cannonAt some point, you probably came across that one guy that would set up his Dwarf Cannon and wreck everything in a 40-ft radius. He’d even put it in spots to kill random stuff like Goblins and Rock Crabs just to do it, because, YOLO. It didn’t matter what time of the night you were playing or where you were questing. There was always a chance of Dwarf Cannon man coming to wreck everything you’re trying to kill.

Stealing Cakes & Furs

runescape ardougne

When thieving became big, you probably paid a generous visit or two to Ardougne at the cake and fur stands. This was the classic place to really get a jumpstart on your pickpocket leveling. Plus, if you were a lower level, the fur money wasn’t too bad either.

Of course, there are tons of quests and other shenanigans we could get into. But hopefully, this has brought back some fond memories of the game that we all probably either grew up on or at least heard of.

What’s your best memory of Old School RuneScape? Were you an Archer, Mage, or Warrior-type player?

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