Slow, stagnated, and dying Warhammer 40k seems to no longer be a game of skill or tactics anymore. It has, depending on who you talk to, morphed in less than a year to become a game of how do I make this squad do everything, and win. And win those squads do, but the cost […]
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The latest tabletop gaming editorial discussions, insightful analyses, industry trends, and expert opinions on all things related to miniature wargaming.
The Imperial Knight titan may be the best unit in the game, and here’s why. The other day on Bell of Lost Souls Reece posted up an interesting article about the new Imperial Knight model, called Of Knights and Men.If you haven’t read it yet, go do it now, we’ll wait for you to come back. I really liked the article […]
Read MoreIt’s no secret that GW’s sales were down in 2013 from the previous year and that their stock price plummeted on January 16, 2014 when this was formally announced in their most recent financial report.As a GW customer of more than two decades I can’t help but have some thoughts and lamentations about it. I’ve […]
Read MoreGood thing they got rid of the bits market huh?I hope THIS is not the new program we’ve been hearing about from Games Workshop. A mere six months after shit canning the bits/ sprue industry, in North America, GW sees its biggest drop in stock prices like, ever. I’m not going to touch much on […]
Read MoreIt appears that Finecast may be officially dead, as there are no new Tyranid models releasing with this material!Finecast was also notoriously absent from the last few releases of 2013 as well ( Space Marines, and Dark Elves). It seems pretty unheard of for nearly half a year of new releases to go by, one of which […]
Read MoreLast week a ton of rumors broke about a supposed 7th Edition of Warhammer 40k being released. Let’s take a closer look.Apparently it was posted somewhere that Games Workshop would be releasing 7th Edition Warhammer 40k sometime this year, a full two years early of it’s normal four year release cycle. First off let me […]
Read MoreWith the immense success of Star Wars X-Wing it was only a matter of time before the flip side of nerd coin would get its own mini game. That’s right boys and girls, Star Trek takes it first walk into the space combat miniatures game (least I hope so cause if I’m wrong I’m so […]
Read MoreStarting out in the miniature painting business is no easy feat . . . Dear Reader:What follows is a conversion between myself and the owner of a new prospective painting service called Terran Commissions. The painter contacted me a few weeks ago for help with developing their painting service, establishing rates, and how to reach out to the community. […]
Read MoreSyko wargamer here, and I don’t know about you, but for me the book missions in Warhammer 40,000 tend to get a little stale after a while. Also, the concept that both forces are after the same objectives seems a bit off to me and knowing exactly what your enemy’s goal is is neither realistic […]
Read MoreSup Spikeybits, it’s JStove, and while everything is on sale, let’s pick over Rob’s stock and see what he’s got hanging around. Keep in mind I don’t actually work for Rob, I just write for him. He pays me in… Well, he doesn’t actually pay me. He just gives me a company discount. Which reminds […]
Read MoreDo you know where your brush has been?Greetings fellow wargamers! Caleb with White Metal Games here!You can’t paint a miniature without hear about the quality of the kolinsky-sable line of brushes. Generally speaking these are thought of as a Roles Royce of painting brushes. But then I began to ask myself . . . why is that […]
Read MoreThis is a repost of an article I wrote about a year ago. Looks like the portents have come true…It looks like GW is looking to switch out from Finecast to something better- like maybe those awesome plastic character packs they’ve been coming out with as of late for Fantasy and 40k (Chaos Aspiring Champion). […]
Read MoreIs this the future? 3D Printing comes to the tabletop! Hey guys! Caleb with White Metal Games here. We’ve all heard rumors about the revolution that 3D printing will bring to the table. But will the rumors match our expectations?I sat down with Allen Clark and Tristan Morris, co-owners of Proxy Army, a games design company that […]
Read MoreDid anyone else notice the second straight release from Games Workshop has lacked the possibly essential staple product of a Battleforce / Battalion?Battleforce’s were in the past a fast and easy way for new players to get into the hobby at a natural discount over buying the individual kits themselves. They took up less space […]
Read MoreWell, it finally happened, I got to attend my first convention as a vendor.And I finally understand what all the hub-bub is about. There’s a visceral energy at even a small con and it’s worth discussing. Greetings fellow wargamers, this is Caleb with White Metal Games and I attended my first show as a dealer recently. A […]
Read MoreAnyone else notice the lack of Finecast with the most recent Space Marines, and Dark Elf releases? It seems pretty unheard of for two releases to go by (three if you count part two of the Dark Elves for Nov), one of which was HUGE sales wise (Marines) and neither had any Finecast included. Has […]
Read MoreHey internet, Jstove here and everyone drop what you’re doing.Open the door, get on the floor, chaos players shelf your dinosaurs. In case you don’t have your eyeballs glued to the Forgeworld website or Bell of Lost Souls, allow me to point something out to you. Forgeworld has released the rules for the Legion Fire […]
Read MoreThat is the question. So . . . what’s the answer? Greetings fellow wargamers! Caleb with White Metal Games here. Recently I was sent a Stormeagle by a client with the desired goal to magnetize all the options available. No problem. As as studio, I have to be willing to magnetize options for clients. It’s […]
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