Dear Internet it’s Jstove, and I’m here to talk to you today about being a penny-pinching cheapskate with your hobby, because I’m pretty much the beggar king of budgethammer.This is going to be a long one, so unless you’re interested in saving money and lots of hobby talk, just scroll right past and go click on […]
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The latest tabletop gaming editorial discussions, insightful analyses, industry trends, and expert opinions on all things related to miniature wargaming.
So over the weekend yet another Kickstarter popped up for funding and I just kinda sighed… Mantic’s got a new Kickstarter called Mars Attacks…..??! Whoopie guess we won’t be carrying that when it hits… sucks to cause it looked kinda cool I thought to myself. I’ve said my bit about how I feel when it […]
Read MoreI was at every US Games Day held in Maryland starting with the first US Games Day ever back in 1993. So I can tell you that Games Day events of the past few years are quite a different thing than they were several years ago. A recent article on Pins Of War stirred old […]
Read MoreHey internet, it’s Jstove here, reminding you that I’m still alive. It’s ok, I know you don’t care. But there’s important things to discuss. First, for reference, check out this article Reece over at Frontline recently had up on BoLS. Now, even better, let’s go back to a month ago when he FORETOLD THE FUTURE. […]
Read MoreLadies and Gentlemen of the court! I object!Greetings fellow wargamers! Caleb with White Metal Games here. So I was chatting with my buddy the other day . . . well, truth be told I was losing to my buddy the other day . . when he brought up the centurion, spec. the devastators. You know, the model […]
Read MoreHello Internet, its Jstove here, and we can’t shut up about Space Marines.The good news is, the Nids are starting to trickle in on the rumor front, so we’ll only be riding this space marine gravy train for… Oh, I don’t know, the rest of eternity? This new 6e SM codex is objectively a pretty sweet […]
Read MoreA few months ago, a Kickstarter by PoweredPlay Gaming set out to develop plug and; play LED lighting kits for wargames, minis and hobbies.The project was 350% funded in June, and the tech has already delivered to all of its supporters – not only on-time, but with extra bonuses for their one week delay. While one […]
Read MoreHello internet. Well, I think it’s pretty safe to say it, us chaos players are pissed. Larry Vela has said it, Black Blowfly has said it, Goatboy has said it… View Post You’ve heard it from pretty much every corner of BoLS, We as chaos players have pretty much broken up with Phil Kelly and […]
Read MoreEverybody at some point or another has played with, or played against somebody with those goofy looking dice with a club symbol or something else engraved on a facing in lieu of the traditional 6 pips. When watching those dice roll, you likely noticed how they wobble and just roll funny. There is a reason- […]
Read MoreLike the Joker said . . . “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” Hey, if it works for the Joker, it should work for miniature painting/commission services. The trick is how to you determine if someone is indeed GOOD at something. Good is such a speculative word. Maybe what I look […]
Read MoreDear GW, It’s me, JStove, and we need to talk. About us.We’re having some problems lately, well actually, I’m having some problems lately. Yea, I guess its all me. You see, there’s not a lot I don’t like about you lately. I actually think you’re doing pretty good. When the Joneses down the street are […]
Read MoreGreetings fellow wargamers! I was recently contacted by a repeat client who wants a customer squad of ‘The Eight’ created.The Eight are the members of Ta Commander Farsights personal bodyguard, consisting of a handful of crisis suits, a broadside, and a riptide!Needless to say I was overjoyed at the prospect of building this squad, not […]
Read MoreWell it’s August now and Games Workshop is once again set to release another digital supplement. So what does it all mean? Will GW continue to drop these supplements on is first via digital, and then via paper form? Well no one really knows, but I read a great article the other day, that has […]
Read MoreGood morning Spikey Bits… Or afternoon, or evening. It’s morning somewhere.Don’t ask me, I do all my writing after the sun goes down. It’s Jstove here and I’ve got a story to tell. Editor’s note- Recasting copyrighted miniatures is wrong. It ranks up there with pirating music, buying bootleg DVD’s etc etc. That being said […]
Read MoreHey guys, Rage of Khorne here from The Order of Chaos and today I’d like to talk about the fundamentals of winning games of Warhammer 40k at tournaments. If you don’t attend tournaments or never plan on attending them, this article might not be for you as I’m simply analyzing army lists based on their […]
Read MoreWell there has been a ton of speculation as of late about the recent/ ongoing events at GW, and this one just adds more fuel to the fire. The continued tightening of their belt, enforcing their IP more “aggressively” (but strangely leaving all the eBay counterfeiters and trinket sellers alone), and ramping up their release schedule to drive stock prices all seem […]
Read MoreHey internet, its the J Stove again, and you probably haven’t heard of me. That’s not because I’m a hipster though, its because I’m a relatively new contributor to Spikey Bits. I’ve got a sweet storm eagle I want to show you soon and how I built it, but before we get to that, I […]
Read MoreWell the cat is out of the bag- sort of. Tau had an amazing potential to splash 2 Missile drones in just about any squad, adding 4 STR 7 shots to whatever other armament that squad had. Looks like our plans for Tau domination have suffered a set back as GW released a stealth FAQ for the […]
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