In light of recent events that I am sure many of you are aware of, we have been fielding a ton of questions about the future of Spikey Bits, and our position on the matter in question.Well our official position is that, we have no official position. Nothing has been presented to us by any […]
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One day after dumping it’s bombshell of questionable legal mumbo-jumbo on it’s “partner stores” and it’s distributors in North America, the Tau are conviently leaked. Which leads some to believe that this was all planned to divert attention away from this new “policy change” that has so many people from retailers to customers up in arms.So whats wagging got to do […]
Read MoreIt’s been a long strange road to even get to this point folks, but you can rest assured this is not the last any of us will hear about this for a long while.In true Shakespearean fashion GW has dropped another bomb, this time on the Ides of March. More to come but for now, alea iacta […]
Read MoreThe crescendo of rumors for Tau this week are starting to come to a head. Once again someone out there obviously knows something (or again is doing a really good job making it up).Either way it makes for a fun read about what just could be. Plus Faeit has been digging up all sorts of seeming creditable […]
Read MoreWell love it or hate it Death from the Skies has struck, and will undoubtedly leave it’s mark on this hobby, as well as some of our wallets.I really, really tried to be positive with this review, but honestly besides the fact that this volume collects all the flyer rules in once handy place for quick reference, […]
Read MoreThe chatter is gradually increasing over the last week or so, and Tau seems to be the topic of it all. Someone out there obviously knows something (or is doing a really good job making it up). Either way it makes for a fun read about what just could be. Plus Faeit dug up some old UK […]
Read MoreJStove here, and I brought a soapbox to stand on. Now, if you’ve been playing for awhile, just move along, don’t bother. If you’re new to the hobby though, stand here and read this so I can take this soapbox and smash it over your head. Its pretty often that you see people get into the hobby, […]
Read MoreIs the honeymoon over for Grey Knight Paladins? Since the release of the Grey Knight codex back in 5th edition, people have thought paladins were an extremely powerful unit.It wasn’t because people thought they were an insanely good close combat unit, or the level of firepower they could put out, but because of wound allocation […]
Read MoreYup turns out the real life inspiration for the Primarch of the Dark Angels turns out to be a man from England’s Victorian era, who apparently struggled with quite a few issues in his day, and may have had a secret or two of his own.His name was Lionel Johnson, oh and his masterpiece was […]
Read MoreA few weeks ago I had a bit of a scare. I was surfing the GW site when I noticed that prices were up across the board. $124 for a rulebook. $96 for a Trygon, $110 for a storm raven? What gives? Normally I get news about price increases from sites like BOLS or Spikey […]
Read MoreWell by now you have probably heard about Games Workshops “current new” business model of direct only content that you can only buy from them, i.e. the Death from the Skies Book.I say “current new” because as even the most novice outsider can see that their business strategies seem to swing back and forth faster than the Harlem Shake. […]
Read MoreThis morning’s White Dwarf Daily had a slew of tantalizing tidbits about the new “Death from the Skies” supplement/ compendium. I give it that dual status because well we don’t really know for sure if it’s just a compendium with a few extra rules, or a whole supplement with new rules, and scenarios etc.They seem to indicate […]
Read MoreThis popped up towards the end of last week, as Games Workshop is trying / tried to lay claim to the term “Space Marine”. I figured I’d weigh in on the issue a bit myself here.The first time I ever heard of that term Space Marine was in the Alien movie series I believe, so […]
Read MoreWell its official I guess, Games Workshop is taking a page from Apple and doing exclusive limited edition direct order only products (books) that affect the games we love, and well if you don’t get it, you don’t get it.Seems fair right? No it’s not, IMHO. GW has just created an even worse demand driven product, that has nothing […]
Read MoreSo here’s my latest “Faeit” commentary on the newest rumor of the week. It looks like GW is looking to switch out from Finecast to something better- like maybe those awesome plastic character packs they’ve been coming out with as of late for Fantasy and 40k (Chaos Aspiring Champion).Being a big company and all, with […]
Read More17 years. That’s how long I’ve been playing 40k. 17 years. In the past 17 years I’ve lost my virginity, been to college, waited on probably 1000 tables in my service to the restaurant industry, worked for about a dozen different companies,owned 6 cars (mostly junkers), lived in about 6-7 apartments, dated maybe 10 different […]
Read MoreThat’s right true believes, GW has arrived with a handy FAQ to clean up some meddlesome errors and omissions from the new Dark Angles FAQ. Plus they didn’t stop there, they issued FAQ’s for the whole 40k range AND Fantasy even.Looks like they even cleaned up that little faux-pas I talked about with the Raven Command not […]
Read MoreSo I was cruising around the tubes the other day and stumbled upon a great collection of Games Workshop promotional Videos over on Blood of Kittens, and chuckled a bit.You can obviously tell who they are marketed to, right? Remember guys REAL GAMERS PLAY FACE TO FACE! -Enjoy MBGCourtesy of Blood of Kittens What you are about to see is […]
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