Tau Auxiliaries: GW’s Untouched Goldmine?

By Chris Lien | June 19th, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, Tau

Tau Hammerhead

The Tau have been somewhat of oddball when it comes to the dark universe that is Warhammer 40k. Are the Tau Auxiliaries an untouched Goldmine for GW?

Today we take a look at the great value in this diamond in plain sight.

The Tau is one of the few races with a gigantic focus on one specific play style. Blood Angels may be great at rushing and chopping up enemies, but they -can- be played ranged.

Eldar have fantastic mid-range guns but can be played long-range and close combat-oriented.

Tau are unfortunately stuck with a fantastic ballistic capability and playful slaps for CC. This isn’t entirely the army’s fault.heir design is aimed to focus on their guns, with Kroot being their fodder CC units. In line with the lore, Tau make great use of other races to help their cause of the ‘Greater Good’, but the model and unit line is lacking, to say the least. It could be so well-expanded upon if planned out right by Games Workshop, but right now we’re left with a teaser that could be greatness in the making. Let’s run over some overview and suggestions over its line.


The carnivorous and cannibalistic Kroot are the most touched-upon in the model line and codex. They have general troops, hounds, Krootox, and a now-OOP Greater Knarloc. Releasing a proper plastic kit for the Knarloc, hounds, and Krootox could breathe some life back into this tribal branch of the Tau Empire, and perfect some melee-focused ones could give even more troop options, or at least some nice elites.


A swift unit to behold, Vespid is certainly a race that could easily be expanded upon to make use of their speed and chitinous armor, perhaps with mid-range or close-range strong weapons or jump melee units to fill in the role of harassment or ambush units that the Tau lack.


With constant mentions of their dwarf-like industrial race in their lore, and units appearing in only Battlefleet Gothic, the mining race of the Demiurg could be a fantastic addition to the rank of the Empire, acting like Ironbreakers of Warhammer’s Fantasy line. Strong, robust, stubborn troops with unique industrial weapons and technology could make for another large chunk of auxiliaries, providing as well with more options in playstyle and covering weaknesses in the Tau battleline.


Tau-aligned imperial guardsmen. This would barely need models or planning. A simple conversion kit for shoulder pads, tank and gun upgrades, and commander items could help convert some of the Imperium’s Finest into followers of the Greater Good. Cheap battle line troops and thicker tanks as an easy auxiliary that sits nicely in the pre-established lore would fit well to support them.

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With all these expansion points, it’d easily be enough to fill a small codex of their own, even more so if more Auxiliaries were to be created. They’re up to their fifth sphere expansion, after all, at least one more alien race would have (hesitantly) agreed to support the Tau (at gunpoint).

Giving the Tau an easy expansion point that isn’t a battle suit would be welcomed by the community, chances are, and helping the army fill its weaknesses with something cool and unique could be an exciting prospect for the players.

What units would you add to help the Tau? Are auxiliaries worth pursuing in your eyes?

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