Come see another side to hotly debated topic of the Tau ‘buffmander and the Hunter Contingent, as someone on our Facebook tries to set the record straight!
Via Erik Johnson Spikey Bits Hobbies’ FB Group
USRs and Buffmander abilities do transfer to all units firing using the support fire special rule. I think this will clear up the ambiguity.
First I need to clear up why the wording on the markerlights issue. (P 123 New Tau Codex)
Target Acquired
Table of Contents & Article SummaryMarkerlights cannot directly cause damage or wounds. Instead, each time a unit suffers a hit with this special rule, Place a markerlight counter next to it (no saves can be taken against these hits). Markerlight counters remain next to their unit until the end of the current phase or until they are used (whichever comes first.)
Immediately before a unit with the Tau Empire Faction shoots at a target that has any markerlight counters, it can declare it is using one or more of the marker light abilities listed to the right. Each ability costs a number of markerlight counters remove this number of counters from the target immediately when the ability is declared. A unit can combine any number of markerlight abilities providing that there are enough counters.
The important part about the rule is paragraph 2. “Immediately before a unit with the Tau Empire Faction shoots at a target that has any markerlight counters, it can declare it is using one or more of the marker light abilities listed to the right.” Markerlights are a non-USR Faction ability that is applied BEFORE the attack.
All models firing as part of this shooting attack gain a bonus to their ballistic skill for the duration of the shooting attack. The size of this bonus is equal to the number of markere light counters expended on this ability. Pinpoint can increase the ballistic skill of Snap Shots and Overwatch.
With Pinpoint the models gain a bonus to the ballistic skill, not the unit.Scour
All wounds, glancing hits and penetrating hits allocated to the target as part of this shooting attack gain the ignores cover special rule.
With Scour, the ability is applied to the wounds, glancing hits and penetrating hits allocated to the target. Again it’s not the unit and not a USR.Coordinated Firepower
Whenever a unit from a hunter contingent selects a target in the shooting phase, any number of other units from the same Detachment who can still shoot can add their firepower to the attack. These units must shoot the same target, resolving their shots as if they were a single unit- this includes the use of marker light abilities. When 2 or more units combine their firepower, the firing models add 1 to their ballistic skill.
Marker light abilities are listed separately because they don’t affect the firing unit but its models before firing and the attacks resulting wounds, glances and penetrating hits. It is not conferred as a USR.
Command and Control Node (P.126 Codex Tau)
If a model with this wargear does not shoot in the shooting phase, all shooting attacks made by other models in this unit re-roll failed to hit rolls until the end of the phase. This cannot be used when firing overwatch. The node can be used at the same time as a multi-spectrum sensor suite.
Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (P.126 Codex Tau)
If a model with the Multi-spectrum sensor suite does not shoot in the shooting phase, all shooting attacks made by other models in his unit gain Ignores cover special rule until the end of the phase. This cannot be used when firing overwatch. A multi-spectrum sensor suite can be used at the same time as a command and control node.
The line “…all other models in this unit…” in Command and Control node and, “…all shooting attacks made by other models in this unit…” in Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite, define them as UNIT abilities. Coordinated Firepower says, “These units must shoot the same target, resolving their shots as if they were a single unit…”
Because C&C Node and M3S are abilities that are conferred to the unit and all units firing using coordinated firepower resolve their shots as if they were a single unit, they apply, along with all other unit USRs.
Because of the line “…- this includes the use of marker light abilities…” was specifically added, that means the non-USR markerlight special abilities apply to all models firing using coordinated firepower in that attack and all wounds, Glances and Pens applied to the target.
So there you have it broken down to the crux of the debate, with supporting documentation from both the BRB and the new Tau Codex as well.
Is this one still to close to call, or did Games Workshop just create a Death Star killer?
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