Blood of the Phoenix Individual Model Prices CONFIRMED!

new-releases-jain-zar-eldarDon’t miss what’s around the corner next from GW. Check out the prices and release lineup for all the Blood of the Phoenix kits this week!

Multiple retailers have already confirmed the prices on GW’s next big release wave. Focusing in on the contents originally seen inside of the Blood of the Phoenix Box Set, they are being re-released as individual kits this week. Take a look at what you may want to spend your hobby $$$ on.

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Blood of the Phoenix

Jain Zar $40

Jain Zar’s new model is stunning. We’ve seen her before, but, that doesn’t mean we can’t be excited. If you were waiting to pick her up until you could by herself, now is a perfect time!

Howling Banshees $55

bansheesOf course, Jain Zar wouldn’t complete without leading a few groups of Howling Banshees, right? Why not surprise your LGS with how effective Aeldari melee can really be!

Drazhar $40

plastic drazhar 1On the flip side of the Craftworlds, Drazhar got a new model and statline as well. The best part is we’re seeing him in all kinds of competitive Dark Eldar lists as well, so you know he’s good!

Incubi $55

incubiHis elite troops are of course the Incubi. They may be just as deadly in melee as the Banshees, but they certainly have more spikey bits (pun definitely intended).

Overall, this is a fairly small release coming up from Games Workshop. However, Craftworld/Drukhari fans out there should definitely be happy about the quick turn-around time for the units to get their own individual kits.

Huge FFG Sale: Over 50% Off Star Wars & More!

So with all of this coming up next, what will you be grabbing? Do you play an Aeldari soup force that can use all of these guys?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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