The Exodite: 40k Film Teaser Video is Tiny But Mighty

lost legion pale tempest the exoditeThere’s a new Warhammer 40k fan film video to keep your eyes on, as it’s early on in the series so be sure to check out The Exodite, now!

Coming from Lost Legion on YouTube, they’ve given us an unofficial fan-made series trailer. The video is under a minute long but this could be the next project that scratches that Astartes itch.

lost legion studios

The Exodite: 40k Film Teaser Video is Tiny But Mighty

A 40k “Exodite” if you didn’t know, is mainly Aeldari that broke off from their civilization before the fall. They’re essentially the 40k’s version of Amish elf people. This trailer shows a lot of what’s happening on the battlefield without giving too much away either.

the exodite 1The scene opens up with some Space Marines lying on the ground next to what looks like a burnt-out Predator. There are some blurs of Aeldari sprinting over them as well.

the exodite 2Then, there’s a Warlord Titan that rolled a 1 on his void shield save and took some kind of blast right to the ribcage.

the exodite 3Finally, moving back to what’s happening on the ground, it looks like we’ve got a first-person perspective of one of the Aeldari dudes running right at a lone Space Marine with a chainaxe. The dude swings it and the teaser ends.

Even though this video is under a minute, there’s a lot of detail packed in every frame.

Lost Legion chimed in with a little teaser that more is indeed on the way:

Hello everyone! On behalf of everyone here at Lost Legion Studios, thank you so much for this outpouring of support and… unusually accurate guesses at what happens next! Please be sure to subscribe and follow to keep in touch as we begin to release more content!

At the time of writing this, the first full episode isn’t even out yet but it should be something for you to keep your eyes peeled for. We have a feeling this is going to be good.

What do you think about some Eldar Vs. Space Marines in a fanmade short film series? What Chapter is that in the video?

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