Sneak Peak At Blood Throne Hero Boards, Cards, & Tokens

bloodthrone kickstarterFrontline Gaming has released a sneak peek at some of the Hero Boards, Cards, and Tokens from their upcoming game, Blood Throne.

Frontline Gaming is running the Kickstarter, so you know they are going to deliver big on this one! The project will be launching on January 18th, and if you love RPGs, this will be one you’ll want to sign up for. FLG said this is basically D&D crossed with XCOM but as a board game.  In a nutshell, you have a team of fantasy heroes that level up and gain skills, gear, etc. to battle demons and monsters! The game will be for 1-7 players, and like any good RPG, your characters progress throughout the game, but in this, the narrative runs based on your decisions.

Sneak Peak At Blood Throne Hero Boards, Cards, & Tokens

Sneak Peak: Hero Boards, Cards and Tokens!

Today we will take a look at the Hero Cards and Tokens. Blood Throne has a lot of moving parts and we wanted to make it easy for you to keep it all running smoothly. These are the Hero boards, cards and tokens. 

As you can see, they are all color coordinated based on the Hero’s class. Brother Boldstand is a Priest, so all of the Priest cards and tokens are white to make it super easy to find. The tokens are also shape coordinated so that they slot into the appropriate spot on the Hero boards. For example, Status Effects are always circles, so their tokens can only fit in the appropriate slot.

Hero Boards, Cards and Tokens 2

The cards represent the special abilities of the class. For those that have an effect to track, we have a custom token for each effect that is coded to the card it goes with. This makes it incredibly easy to track everything!

Hero Boards, Cards and Tokens 3

The Hero boards themselves are fully modular, so you can drop in numbered tokens to reflect increases in stats as they level up. We also have a workbook, not pictured, that gives you all the juicy details and crunchy mechanics on what choices your hero has available to them as they level, but while playing the game you only need their Hero board, cards and tokens to avoid excess clutter.

Blood Throne The Tower of Sacrifice 7 Blood Throne The Tower of Sacrifice 8There are already a ton of characters to pick from, and even more are on the way! Pretty much, no matter what style of character you like to play in an RPG, they will have it for the new board game!

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