GW Drops More 40k FAQs: Forge World, DA, BA & More

warhammer 40k Faq wal hor marine spaceTake a look at all the latest updates and changes, as GW dropped more 40k FAQs. From Assasins to Forge World, it’s all there finally!

It looks like Warhammer Community’s FAQ Page was updated on Sept 30th with the rest of the updates for 40k!

We’ll be going over the highlights of the latest FAQs to the Forge World books, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Death Watch, and even the Assassinorum.

Make sure that you go into your faction and check out all of the minor tweaks and changes for yourself though.

FW Chaplains Gains the Priest Keyword

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As long as you’re not playing a DA, BA, SW, DW Chaplain Dread, you get the Priest keyword. This unlocks a bonus ability for your Chaplain to attempt that goes off on a 3+. They also updated the named Chaplains out of the Forge World book as well.

Thunderhawk & Whirlwind Tweaks


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The Thunderhawks got a minor wording tweak allowing up to two of the vehicles in the selection. On top of that, the Whirlwind Hyperios and Scorpius had the Whirlwind keyword taken away. Probably mainly for the Stratagem support, and Chronos buffs.

The Termite Gets Beefed Up For Loyalists & Chaos


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The Termite got all the bells and whistles that normal Space Marines have dependent on their Chapter and Legion. It doesn’t make this unit busted by any means but it’s always a nice add-on for no points increase.

Guard Tanks Ignore Heavy

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For the Guard, a whole slew of their tanks got an added bonus to the Steel Behemoth ability. They all ignore penalties for moving and firing heavy weapons now.

Chaos Also Ignores Heavy

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Newly added to the datasheets of the Chaos-variant FW tanks, they also ignore heavy with the Daemonic Machine Spirit.

Assassinorum Updates

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The Operative Requisition Sanctioned Strat can’t be used by fallen now and just costs the flat 2 CP. Looking at the Callidus Assassin, the Reign of Confusion ability is usable even if the assassin isn’t on the battlefield yet. Pretty neat. Looks like it can stack with the lastest marine supplement disruption as well.

A Word on All Codex Chapters (SW, BA, DA, & DW)

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They’ve all been updated but you still don’t get your Doctrines or any cool rules for your Chaplains. The only thing that was updated for these Chapters were the same across the board, which we’ve covered in our earlier FAQ post. Essentially Primaris units and their weapons were upgraded with an extra wound, damage, and attack. But be sure to check out which units got the buffs.

And there you have it! The latest batch of changes made to the Forge World units as well as some other Chapters. There were some other minor tweaks here and there as well so be sure to check out your faction’s FAQ page for all the latest updated big and small.

What do you think about these new FAQs? Did your list get any better?

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