Build & Magnetize Your 40k Scale Warbringer Titan!

5 Modeling Hacks For The Warbringer Titan You Should Know (2)The Warbringer Titan is the newest edition to Forge World’s 40k scale titans, since there is a new version out, here’s how to build and magnetize it!

This Imperial “Big Nasty” came out not too long ago and has already been one of the most popular Titans we’ve seen on tabletops at events. If you’re curious on how to put it together/magnetize it then look no further.

warbringer volcano cannon 2

The Warbringer also got another release with a carapace-mounted Volcano Cannon! Grab it here (note that you have to buy the entire Warbrigner model to get this weapon). Boo!

Build & Magnetize Your 40k Scale Warbringer Titan!

We’ve done a video that you can watch but here’s a pic-by-pic highlight breakdown as well.

warbringer assembledFirst, Rob shows us the full titan (Without some armor panels) and really drives home that you shouldn’t glue down anything you don’t have to. The two small turrets by the head and two sections on the back fit great just dry fit and if you don’t manhandle it too hard it’ll be fine without glue or magnets.

Arm Guns magnetsFor each of the main arm guns, you can use this system of washers and magnets. (magnet sizing chart below)

arm jointOn the arm connecting to the gun, you use this system of magnets to hold to the washer and be able to turn the canons freely while staying secure. This is a really big model and resin can get heavy. You don’t want to skimp on magnets here.

shoulder magnet warbringerFor each of the two AA Shoulder guns, you can use a single magnet on the surface. Within the gun, there are sockets for magnets as well, so they can aim vertically. PEW, PEW, PEW!

For the neck joint you can also use magnets, Rob found that using this set of four on each surface was just right. There’s not a lot of “stress” on the head but you really don’t want it falling off if you bump into the table or something. Secure it down with multiple magnets.

Warbringer magnet listAs we mentioned above, there’s the entire list of magnets used and where they were placed on the model. You can get yours for less from our friends at the Magnet Baron too!

warbringer size compareWith all the main magnets in order, you can see the scale of this bad boy next to a Reaver and Warlord titan with a seemingly tiny marine on top. Even without the upper armor plates on it, the Warbringer is still definitely a gargantuan 40k model.

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