Don’t miss this! A new Primarch and Horus Heresy book was revealed today. 2015 really is looking awesome for Forge World!
Courtesy of Battlebunnies, and Heresy 30k (These guys do a fantastic job covering these events so make sure you go to their pages and show them some love!)
Looks like we’ll be seeing Book Five of the Horus Heresy called ‘Tempest’ sometime this spring (maybe a debut at Adepticon?).
It will pit the traitorous forces of the Word Bearers versus the noble Ultramarines.
Checkout this preview of the Battle for Calth from the studio display at Warhammer Fest in November!
Get ready for Tempest!
This is just the tip of the Forge World iceburg folks! There is close to another 100 pictures from the event that we don’t have room for here. Head on over to the forum for the;