Forge World’s New Custodes Releases REVEALED!

By James Rodriguez | January 20th, 2017 | Categories: Forge World, Tabletop Gaming Products

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Forge world just dropped some stuff for the custodes. Come take a look at these miniatures that we saw during the Open Day coverage, and pick yours up today!

The newest highly detailed resin models just hit Forge World‘s website. Take a look.



Designed as a high manoeuvrability hunter-killer, the Pallas Grav-attack is a rapid strike vehicle utilising advanced repulsor-lift technology. Filling a similar battlefield role to the various patterns of Land Speeder and Attack Speeder of the Legiones Astartes, the Pallas has superior agility, improved armour, inbuilt shielding technology, and more powerful weaponry in the form of its twin-linked Arachnus blaze cannon – an expertly engineered weapon that can successfully eliminate both infantry and armoured targets.

Custodes Pallas Grav Tank 05

The Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack is a finely detailed model, featuring intricate engineering details and iconography of the Legio Custodes. It is a fast skimmer with the ability to Deep Strike or Outflank, allowing you to surprise and hunt down your enemy. As a Fast Attack choice in Legio Custodes armies, it can be taken in squadrons of up to three vehicles.

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Rules for using the Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack in Legio Custodes armies in Horus Heresy games can be found in the forthcoming book The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

The Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack is a complete, multi-part resin kit. A 105mm oval base and a resin flying base are included.


Grav Attack Bundle


Working in concert in harrying their foe, The Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack Squadron use their speed and manoeuvrability to delay or eradicate enemies as required. Filling a similar battlefield role to the various patterns of Land Speeder and Attack Speeder of the Legiones Astartes, the Pallas has superior agility, improved armour, inbuilt shielding technology, and more powerful weaponry in the form of its twin-linked Arachnus blaze cannon – an expertly engineered weapon that can successfully eliminate both infantry and armoured targets.

Not as heavily armoured as the other vehicles of the Legio Custodes, a full Pallas Grav-attack Squadron has the firepower and agility to hound and destroy larger targets whilst avoiding the enemy’s assaults.

Custodes Pallas Grav Tank 03

The Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack Squadron includes three Pallas Grav-attacks. These finely detailed models feature intricate engineering details and iconography of the Legio Custodes.
Rules for using the Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack Squadron in Legio Custodes armies in Horus Heresy games can be found in the forthcoming book The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

The Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-attack Squadron includes three complete, multi-part resin kits. three 105mm oval bases and resin flying bases are included.

LEGIO CUSTODES COLLECTION £250Legio Custodes Collection Caladius Grav TankLegio Custodes Collection


Galatus Dreadnaught Galatus Dreadnaught Galatus Dreadnaught

The Legio Custodes are getting some new amazing looking miniatures. Head on over to Forge World and pick yours up today!

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth!

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