Forge World Products Selling Fast Going into October

Forge-world-selling-fastWith the meta constantly shifting across multiple games, check out what’s selling fast for Warhammer over at Forge World!

With games like Horus Heresy, Lord of the Rings, and Warhammer 40k going stronger than ever, there are a bunch of players out there that are keeping up with the meta. Check out what hobbyists are buying up fast these days with this updated Forge World Selling Fast list!

Forge World Products Selling Fast Going into October

FW selling fast sept 1Starting off, there’s a strong mix of LOTR stuff mixed in with some Rhinos and Sanguinius for Horus Heresy. With the listing of three Rhinos and a single Rhino up towards the top, that may be hinting toward a strong Rhino meta on the way in 30k.

FW selling fast sept 2

The Lightning Lock Armiger Moirax was out of stock for a while but it looks like it’s back again and is a big hit. Clearing out screens is strong. But when you can do it on a platform as tanky and mobile as the Armiger chassis, it’s a big deal.

FW selling fast sept 3Necromunda has had two character bundles being sold as some popular items as well. As for the Tyranids in 40k, the Malanthrope is popping up in every competitive list now. He and a bunch of Zoanthropes seem to be the glue holding the bug dream together right now.

FW selling fast sept 4Finally, some DKoK models (advancing and at-ease) have also been super popular along with the autocannon arms for the Deredeo. The Deredeo is a Dreadnought you don’t see too much of nowadays but with heavy changes made to 40k, this may be a “surprise”  meta unit.

What do you think about these kits that are selling fast? Have you bought any of these recently?

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