Forge World Releasing Stormcast Eternal Upgrades

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal hor

Forge World is back with more pre-orders this week! Check out their step in a new direction with some Age of Sigmar upgrade bits.

Forge World has another wave of pre-orders and it’s actually all for Age of Sigmar. More specifically, Stormcast Eternals. Let’s check out their new options that are on the way for the faction.

Stormcast Eternals Head Upgrade Set 1 $19

fw stormcast upgrade 1

 This set is fully compatible with Sequitors and Liberators, and will also work well with several other Stormcast Eternals kits.

If you’re wanting to add some “character” to your Boys in Gold, these heads will do the trick. Instead of nameless Stormcast Eternals following the rank and file-type battlefield role. You can replace their helmets with newly sculpted heads and make them look more like a main character.

Stormcast Eternals Head Upgrade Set 2 $19

fw stormcast upgrade 2

This set is fully compatible with Sequitors, and will also work well with a range of other Stormcast Eternals kits.

Sigmar snatches the souls of fallen women too. The second set of heads are all female with different hairstyles and faces. You can take the helmets off of your units and replace them with these unique heads. (These would make great leaders for a unit).

It’s nice to see that Forge World is taking a step in a new direction. For the longest time, we were seeing Horus Heresy, LOTR, and even Blood Bowl bits pop up under the new items. However, it looks like they finally decided to show Age of Sigmar a little bit of love. They even picked the faction which is probably the most popular in the community, well Games Workshop sure likes them at least.

What do you think about these sculpted heads? Will you be using them for something other than Stormcast Eternals? Which set is your favorite? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.