Forge World vs. 7th Edition – Confused about ‘D’?

By Rob Baer | May 19th, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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It’s no secret that 40k rules these days seem to have the life expectancy of a ‘blow fly’, but what’s up with this?

Looking back at 2013’s Imperial Armor: Apocalypse (basically the Fifth book of that name) most of the units included in are not only obsolete rules wise, but just plain don’t work in the current 7th Edition environment.

A good number of them have already been completely replaced, and in some cases (like the Greater Brass Scorpion) received two new sets of rules in the mean time.

Now a lot of Eldar players are looking to this book for rules on several upgrade kits like the Warp Hunter, Lynx, and Wraithseer. Problem is they are finding that the rules for these guys don’t match up with the new Eldar Codex: Craftworlds.

eldar d 1

Distort doesn’t exist anymore

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What should it be replaced with?

Why do we not have a FAQ, or Errata to bring these IA: Apocalypse units in line yet? Is this a sign that Forge World either doesn’t care, or already has a new release on the way to replace this aging tome?

I love Forge World and they make great rules sets initially. However their late life maintenance of their publications leaves a lot to be desired.

It’s a travesty that continues to haunt their amazing quality miniatures and awesome game mechanics in their golden years.

And don’t even get me started about how the Badab War Characters are supposed to work in 7th Edition!