Forge World’s 12 Best Selling 40k Minis For 2019

Sanguinius HH wal hor

Think you know which Forge World models sell the most? Today we’re going to be taking a look at the Top 12 bestsellers for Warhammer 40k according to them!

Forge World’s bestsellers section has been updated and we’ve got Titans, Dreadnoughts, and more. Let us know if you’ve bought any of these top sellers recently!

Warhound Titan Builder $579

warhound builder

People can hit up the site and customize what kinds of weapon options they want their Warhound to come with for all under $600. It’s a one-stop shop to get a god-engine on the table.

Reaver Titan Builder $1039+

reaver builder

In the same boat as the Warhound, you can customize your Reavers with exactly what you want. Keep in mind that the Reavers have a lot more weapon options from the Warhound and the loadouts all have different prices.

Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill $117


A specialised transport vehicle, the Termite is capable of deploying a full squad of warriors onto the battlefield whilst bypassing enemy fortifications and sentries. It is capable of tunnelling rapidly through even the densest of materials at speeds comparable to surface transport craft, thanks to the grinding drill of the Termite which utilises a linked array of melta-cutters and phase-shield generators to aid in its progress. Once at its target location, it emerges onto the surface, or even directly into the lower level of macrofortifications, scattering nearby enemies with its melta-cutters before disgorging its deadly cargo.

Contemptor Achillus Dreadnought $87


The Achillus comes with a special las-cannon spear that can devastate armor at-range or up close. While the Contemptor went up in price for 30k, it looks like people are still buying plenty of them!

Leviathan Dreadnought: Siege Claw/ melta lance $112

leviathan fw yes

The Leviathan is a staple in Heresy and a popular choice in 40k. But it looks like the bundle of a melta lance and siege claw is the most popular choice of all the deals.

Custodes Caladius Grav Tank $132


Custodes are a powerhouse in 30k and 40k so its no surprise that we would see some of their heavy armor popping up on the list.

The principal armament of the Caladius is the double-barrelled Iliastus accelerator cannon, an advanced weapon which was to become the precursor to the main weapon of the Legiones Astartes Sicaran Battle Tank. The Grav-Tank is also armed with a twin-linked Lastrum bolt cannon, exemplars of bolt-weapon technology whose bolt shells are customised mass-reactive heliothermic warheads, hand crafted by the artisan weaponsmiths of the Lastrum Core Clan on Terra.

Sanguinius with Diorama Base $194

Let’s be real. If you’re playing Sanguinus, you’re playing him on his diorama base. It’s no surprise that Blood Angels fans are buying this version of him up.

Book Eight: Malevolence $124

Malevolence is shaking things up in Horus Heresy. With Blood Angels, White Scars, and Daemon rules found inside, players have a ton of new content to test out and enjoy.

Custodes Telemon Dreadnought $122

Telemon Dreadnought

Leave it to the Custodes to make their own version of the Leviathan. This thing comes with a (basically) las-cannon gatling gun and a power fist.

Crimson paladins Squad $93

The Crimson Paladins are one of the Blood Angels signature new units in Horus Heresy. These guys are durable and can cut their way through hordes like butter.

Custodes Venatari Squad $62


Custodes never had any jump pack capabilities until recently. These guys bring the hatred a normal Custode can lay down all while keeping maximum mobility. Plus, they carry bucklers and revolvers. What’s not to love about that? \

And there you have it. Forge World’s most recent bestsellers list. What’s your favorite Custodes unit in 30k? Have you bought anything off of this list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.