Why Forge World’s USD Pricing Model May Be Bad For Us

cosplay funny space marine wal hor

Is there a big price increase for Forge World coming our way here in the States? Join us as we take a look at how things are now, and where they may go.

As you may know, Games Workshop and Forge World are both based out of the UK. Currently, Games Workshop has their mail order website set to take different currencies based on the location you select, with delivery from their previous manufacturing facility in Memphis, TN.

But with for Forge World, we still have to convert our own money and buy things because they only take Pounds, with delivery from Nottingham, UK.

Which presents two issues, your probably get dinged with an international currency fee on your credit card, and you still have to pay state sales tax here in the US as well for buying something, in England.

Why Forge World's USD Pricing Model May Be Bad For Us

Outside of Forge World, Games Workshop’s Mail Order site can take USD and the Great Britan Pound.  However, the problem is that when you compare the USD and GBP price there’s roughly a 20% markup on the price when the dollar is listed.

Looking at Forge World, everything costs the same no matter where you set your location. But with the talk of Forge World being shipped from the US, will they be converting to USD to make it easier for people to buy? If they do that, will we also see a 20% price markup?

Let’s take a look at the facts:

Buying From the Games Workshop Store GBP £ vs. USD $

Let’s look at Games Workshop’s website and pick an item to look at in Pounds. The Betrayal at Calth / Burning of Prospero box bundle is a good start.

GW pounds

This HH bundle sits right at 190 Pounds. So now let’s look at the cost in US currency from the US site, delivered from the US.
gw dollars

The USD version of Calth costs $300. Now by using, a money converting site, we can check the mark up between the two.

xe converter Why Forge World's USD Pricing Model May Be Bad For Us

So going by the price of Betrayal at Calth in Pounds, the box should only cost $246 here in the states. Why is there almost a $60 increase just because we’re buying from America?

Another example is a simple 40k codex. Listed at 25£, which converts to $32, we pay $40 for the same item online or in store here in the states.

Forge World & Games Workshop Items

As we’ve said before, Forge World doesn’t take US currency on their website yet. Their prices stay the “same”. But let’s look at two similarly priced items with one from Games Workshop and one from Forge World.

crux terminatus

Now looking at Forge World:

leviathan fw

Both of these items cost 72 Pounds. Now let’s look at the conversions into USD from Games Workshop for the Crux Terminatus.

crux terminatus US

pounds to dollars

If Forge Worlds new USD feature follows the same pattern as Games Workshop Mail Order a Leviathan from Forge World would actually cost you $93 currently.

But if you were going to buy something from Games Workshop for the same price (In Pounds) you’d actually be shelling out about $20 more dollars than normal ($115).

Buying Forge World Items at Conventions in the States

fw con

Forge World sells some of their items at conventions in the States, with payment in USD and delivery from here as well. This is the only time where their things actually cost “more” that we can reference.

Look at the Telemon Heavy Dreadnought:

fw con dreadnought

46 Pounds should actually cost $60, but instead, it costs $76 NEARLY 30% MORE. 

Forge World Warehouse in the States

Thundehawk crop forge world

We know that a Forge World warehouse (for distribution) is coming to the States and it’s designed to make it easier for US players to get their hands on models faster and easier. We’ll be allowed to pay in our own currency and shipping times will be cut down.

With that being said since we can pay in our own currency, will there be about a 20% increase on the items there as well? Or will everything cost the same as a 1:1 scale from Pounds to Dollars since the warehouse will be sitting on US soil?

Nothing has been confirmed yet so we will have to just wait and see once everything gets up and running, but as we pointed out above there is some cause for concern.

Why Forge World’s USD Pricing Model May Be Bad For Us

What do you think of the price conversions when you buy from Games Workshop? Where could the price jump be coming from? If it was something like Customs, wouldn’t that be included in shipping? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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