Now Available at Forge World Necromunda Bounty Hunter!

forge world now availableThe most recent model to come off of Forge World’s pre-order list is a dope-looking Bounty Hunter for Necromunda. Check out what’s available now!

Forge World is gearing up a few more gangs in Necromunda for brutal melee combat. Bringing in the Eightfold Harvest Lord, this dude is a badass up-close. Check out what you can grab now!

The Eightfold Harvest Lord $30

forge world necromunda the eightfold harvestlordThe Eightfold Harvest Lord is a Bounty Hunter available only to a Corpse Grinder Cult, Chaos Helot or Chaos Corrupted gang. Armed with paired heavy chain cleavers, it can easily slice through any non-believers in the underhive, adding their remains to its impressive trophy rack.

forge world necromunda the eightfold harvest lord 2This 12-part, highly detailed resin kit makes one Eightfold Harvest Lord and is supplied with a 32mm Necromunda base. Rules for using this model in games of Necromunda can be found in Necromunda: The Book of Ruin.

This is honestly probably the coolest Bounty Hunter model we’ve seen released from Forge World. He’s a cold-blooded mutilator that prefers to tear his enemies apart with handsaws in a world full of grenade launchers, stubbers, and boltguns. Bravo.

With this new model finally out, the question stands…Which gang will be paying his price for services? Will you be getting this model as a conversion for something like a Masterof Executions? Does this guy draw inspiration from the Lord Discordant?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!