HOT 10 LIST – Forge World’s Must Haves

By Rob Baer | April 5th, 2015 | Categories: Forge World, Top 10, Warhammer 40k Rumors


What’s hot now? Guess what made the Forge World Hot list for this month!

Konrad took a tumble from first to last this month! Checkout the rest of the HOT 10 below!

Konrad Curze Sicaran Battle Tank
10. Konrad Curze – Primarch of the Night Lords 9. Sicaran Battle Tank
Imperial Armour Volume Thirteen: War Machines of the lost and the Damned Alexis Polux - 405th Captain of the Imperial Fists Legion
8. Imperial Armour Volume Thirteen –
War Machines of the Lost and the Damned
7. Alexis Polux – 405th Captain of the Imperial Fists
Tyranid Twin-linked Devourers Imperial Armour - The Siege of Vraks
6. Tyranid Twin-linked Devourers 5. Imperial Armour – The Siege of Vraks
Sevatar - First Captain of the Night Lords Deredeo Dreadnought Aiolos Missile Launcher
4. Sevatar – First Captain of the Night Lords 3. Deredeo Dreadnought Aiolos Missile Launcher
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought Deredeo Dreadnought Anvilus Autocannon Battery
2. Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought 1. Deredeo Dreadnought Anvilus Autocannon Battery

Top 10 Forge World Bundles


Pride of the Legion - Iron Hands Imperial Armour War Machines Collection
10. Pride of the Legion – Iron Hands 9. Imperial Armour War Machines Collection
Pride of the Legion - Emperor's Children Rylanor the Unyeilding of the Emperor's Children
8. Pride of the Legion – Emperor’s Children 7. Rylanor the Unyielding of the Emperor’s Children
The Horus Heresy Collection Solar Auxilia Mechanised Storm Section
6. The Horus Heresy Collection 5. Solar Auxilia Mechanised Storm Section
The Conquest Campaign Collection Bray'arth Ashmantle of the Salamanders
4. The Conquest Campaign Collection 3. Bray’arth Ashmantle of the Salamanders
Legion Mk III Tactical Squad Legion Mk IV Tactical Squad
2. Space Marine Mk III Tactical Squad 1. Space Marine Mk IV Tactical Squad


Looks like the newest man in a can the Deredeo is the latest winner for Forge World.
What do you think it will be NEXT month?