Last Chance to Buy from Forge World: Knights & Xenos

By Wesley Floyd | July 27th, 2018 | Categories: Forge World, Warhammer 40k News

Thundehawk crop forge world

Forge World has a hot new selection of Last Chance to Buys. Knights and Xenos bits are on the menu while supplies last so grab up what you need.

Forge World just updated their Last Chance to Buy list. We’ll be taking a look at some of the highlights on the page. Be sure to check it out for yourself because we know these deals don’t last too long.

Last Chance to Buy from Forge World: Knights & Xenos

Almost half of the items are already sold out at the time of writing this just to put things into perspective. Check out what’s left!

lctb knight head 1

lctb knight head 2

Yo dawg, we heard you liked Knight heads so we’re giving you all the Knight heads. With all the hype of Knights and Titans running around, make your model stand out from all the others with a Forge World head.

lctb tau 2

lctb tau

Commander spam isn’t a thing anymore. Now, Tau players can turn to Forge World to get primo Tau tech that doesn’t take an HQ slot.

lctb grot

Last but not least, grab your grot sponsons for even more cheap dakka. On top of that, there’s a whole slew of decal sheets on the site. Go take a closer look for any decals you want that we may not see again for a while.

Last Chance to Buy got updated this morning and almost half of the things are already sold out. Knights and Xenos seem pretty popular in the community as far as 8th edition goes.

We know that the Titanicus game is coming very soon but sadly, it looks like the Knight heads from Forge World won’t fit on the models due to scaling. However, Knights did just get a codex and they’re a real heavy-hitter in this edition. Will you be picking up a Knight’s head? Will you be running more XV89 Battlesuits in your list? No matter what you get, it’s sure to be a good addition to your army!

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