NEW Astartes Tank – Forge World Latest

By Rob Baer | March 24th, 2015 | Categories: Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The hits keep coming and this time it looks like we’re getting a new heavy tank, check it out.

According to Forge World this is;

This beast looks like it’s toting some seriously heavy fire power and will be a great addition to any Legion army in need of some tank-busting heavy support. Take a look…

The next addition to the Legiones Astartes heavy armaments.

Introducing the Laser Destroyer Vindicator variant

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Get ready to make some Pew Pew Laser noises for Horus Heresy!

Forge World Heresy Weekend Round Up

What Heresy Weekend sneak peak do you want to see next from Forge World?