New Forge World – Horus Heresy Books Holiday Bundle

By Zeb Barrett | December 2nd, 2016 | Categories: Forge World, Horus Heresy, Tabletop Gaming Products

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Check out these new Horus Heresy Books Bundles from Forge World! With four bundle deals to choose from, you’re sure to find one that suits you!

Now you can get those Horus Heresy books you have been looking at for so long in a bundle deal from Forge World!

Source: Forge World

The Horus Heresy Collection: £338

horus heresy collection

The Horus Heresy Books Bundle 1-5: £264

horus heresy collection

The Horus Heresy Books Bundle 1-3: £167

horus heresy collection

The Horus Heresy Books Bundle 4-5: £116

horus heresy collection

Head over to Forge World and get the Horus Heresy books you need to complete your collection or snag the entire collection!