New Forge World – Iron Dwarf Warriors Preview

By Zeb Barrett | October 12th, 2016 | Categories: Forge World, Lord of The Rings, Warhammer 40k Rumors

games workshop hobbit gone

New releases are getting ready to march out of Forge World and onto the battlefield! Take a look at what iron clad, stout warriors are coming soon!

It appears that Forge World has some new Dwarf models coming to games of Middle Earth and they look great!

Source: Forge World

Not long ago in this bulletin I showed you Dain Ironfoot: Lord of the Iron Hills. If you were at the recent Open Day in Amsterdam you may have seen him along with the warriors from his army. If you missed that great event, take a look now…

forge world dwarf

And that’s not all. What Dwarf army would go to battle without it’s war machines? How about a powerful ballista to cut down your foes?

forge world dwarf

Forge World

“A few weeks ago in this bulletin, Adam Troke spoke about what’s coming up from Forge World for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey™ Strategy Battle Game. This week in the Forge World studio I got my first look at Dain Ironfoot: Lord of the Iron Hills. Take a look…”


And if you wondering what that bulletin is referring to, here’s the video:

Behold the mounted version (from the video):


We all know that Forge World puts out some of the best looking minis on the market and their momentum appears to be unstoppable as they roll out new incredible product like these new Dwarf models! Make sure to head over to Forge World and check out their huge selection of minis of all sorts!