New Forge World Releases from Open Day

By Rob Baer | July 16th, 2014 | Categories: Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Wow Forge World just released the new product line-up for this years open day, and there seems to be something for everyone!

First up is the new Primarch Vulkan Model, which we saw back in May, but is still impressive regardless.

Next up is the new Cerastus Knight Castigator that is pictured above top, and then the newest big baddie on the block the Tyranid Dimachaeron!

This guy is the new “featured” baddie in Imperial Armor IV The Anphelion Project since the first big bug they featured in there, the Trygon, is now a plastic kit.

I’m stoked to see if they rework all the Red Scorpions sculpts as well, because they made their debut in that book as well!

Switching back to the Horus Heresy we’re getting the possessed Gal Vorbek models that are a staple of some 30k lists.

More coming soon as the event is this Sunday the 20th! -MBG