New Forge World Space Marine Pre-Orders & Ork Squiggoth

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Forge World is coming in strong with more Space Marine Horus Heresy pre-orders, and the Ork Squiggoth. Check out what’ll be shipping out soon!

Forge World has some new exciting releases that we’ve been seeing previews of for a while now. Get ready to dust off your 30k armies because more units are headed your way.

Mechanicum Ordinatus Akteus $500

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The Aktaeus is the most recognisable of the Ordinatus Minoris created and operated by the Mechanicum, a super-heavy transport designed to carve a path through the stony heart of a world to deliver its cargo of warriors to the centre of the battlefield. Known to the armies of the Emperor as the Imperial Mole, this vehicle is employed primarily as a siege engine capable of rendering even the most formidable fortifications pointless by burrowing beneath them.

While this guy might have a hefty price tag. it looks like it’ll be able to roll down the tabletop almost impervious to enemy fire while getting your important dudes up to the frontlines.

Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod $101

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After a long wait, we will finally be able to get our hands on the Dreadnought Drop Pods. While deepstriking may be pretty rare in 8th edition, it’s a totally viable tactic in Horus Heresy. It just takes a little bit more armored ceramite to bring down Dreadnoughts in the enemy’s face.

Primarchs: Konrad Curze Collection $158


Whether you’re a die-hard Konrad Curze fan or want to start working towards a Night Lords army, this is a good buy. You’re getting Book 12 in the Horus Heresy timeline (Konrad Curze: The Night Haunter) solely dedicated to Konrad’s story along with his 30k Primarch model.

These are all available for pre-order now and will ship on May 17th, 2019. Now, Forge World surprised us with an old unit that they brought back again! The Gargantuan Squiggoth.

40k’s Squiggoth is Back $132


Available now, the Ork’s Squiggoth is back. If you’ve always wanted to run one of these in your Ork list or just feel like it’s time to show your Orkish devotion and put this guy on your shelf, now is the perfect time to grab one!

So with all the new hotness covered, what will you be throwing in your cart? Do you play more 30k or 40k these days? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.