NEW FORGE WORLD – Space Marines & Masterclass REVEALED

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Change is in the air at Forge World as they just revealed MORE Raven Guard models, and a brand new Masterclass reboot of the venerable painting book!

Via Forge World 12-28-2015

If you missed the Christmas Jigsaw you won’t have seen the unveiling of Corvus Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard. I hear he’s going to be available soon, very, very soon!


Raven Guard Dark Fury?

I also hear that he’s not coming alone. Take a look at what I found in the Forge World Studio just before Christmas…

And that’s not all; a new Model Masterclass book focused on The Horus Heresy has been in the works for a while. I just managed to catch sight of a copy hot off the presses. Looks like it’s going to be a very hobby new year!

Overall looks like the sons of Corax are getting some love in preparation for Book XI Retribution that focuses on the shattered legions. Plus a new Masterclass book, updated to the new airbrush colors and models from Forge World!
2016 is looking better and better for the hobby already!

Find out more about the Dark Furies, Corax, and the XIX Raven Guard Legion