New Forge World Warhammer Starter Bundle SPOTTED

leviathan dreadnought wal hor

Forge World has a starter bundle up on their site that’s a perfect building block for your Horus Heresy or Warhammer 40k army. Check it out.

While it’s somewhat difficult to find on their site, the starter set is bringing Mk III Marines and some other firepower out to play. Here’s what you can grab from Forge World yourself:

Mk III Marine Starter Bundle $240

mk iii marine

If you were thinking about getting into the Horus Heresy but aren’t sure what to buy, this starter set is a pretty solid place to start. Giving you some HQs, mandatory Troop fillings, and a Leviathan for firepower, you’re also saving a little bit of money!

This kit comes with:

  • 2x 10-man Mk III Marine plastic squads (sold on GW’s site for $50 each).
  • 2x Legion Praetors: 1 in Terminator Armor, 1 in Mk III armor $58
  • 1 Leviathan Dreadnought body $78
  • 1x Leviathan siege drill $22
  • 1x Leviathan cyclonic melta lance $22

Total cost of everything bought separately: $280

Total savings: $40

leviathan 3

In terms of the usefulness of what’s inside the set, everything is a viable option for the Horus Heresy. Troops are a must and can even be taken in squads of twenty (what comes in the box). Leviathans are an incredible backbone unit that can devastate enemy armor, and Praetors are one of the cheapest, most flexible HQ options available to the Legions.

While these are painted up as Death Guard in the picture, they can also be taken as any other Legion in the Horus Heresy as all Space Marine armies either just turned traitor or are still loyalist. either way, they haven’t had the chance to put spikes on their armor just yet.

What do you think about this starter set? Would you recommend it to someone getting into 30k? What’s your favorite loadout on the Leviathan? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!