New Forge World – Warlord Titan Gets an Upgrade


Come see the brand new Warlord Titan accessories that Forge World showed off over the weekend. They’re hot!

via Forge World 9-7-2015

“The Mars pattern Warlord Titan is a colossal and stunning model that’s been amazingly popular since its release. Forge World have always made multiple weapon options for Titans and with the head of the Warlord Titan available separately, there’s been speculation that alternative heads will be made for it too. Well, take a look at what I found in the Forge World Studio this week! I hear this one is heading for exclusive release at Warhammer World, but there are more on the way…”


New head on the left – old on the right.


And the carapace mounted missile launchers look to be on the way as well!

Looks like this will be part of the exclusive releases next month at Warhammer World. I wonder what else they’ll have for sale then?

Forge World OPEN DAY Amsterdam Roundup

What’s got Two Volcano cannons and 30 hull points? THIS GUY!