New Tau Titan – Who Knew it Was This BIG??

By Rob Baer | September 7th, 2015 | Categories: Forge World, Tabletop Gaming Products, Tau


You have to see these new pictures of new Tau KX-139 Titan from the Forge World open.  Checkout what one lucky game brought home from the event.

via 4chan/tg and B&C 9-6-2015


The boxes for the big suit:


That is a lot of pieces!


It looks like more weapon options are coming! that looks like a “quinto cannon” of some type to me. Infantry beware!

tau-kx139-4 tau-kx139-5

Here are the original pictures of the kit from a month back:

taututan106 tautitan107 tautitan110 tautitan108

From the look of the pictures this thing seems to be about the size of Warhound Titan. I think this bodes well for the Tau’s ability to deal with a multitude of tabletop threats now-adays.

~Problem Astartes?