RUMORS – IA 13 Legacies of Ruin Special Rules

By Rob Baer | October 15th, 2014 | Categories: Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Similar to the Astartes “Legacies of Glory” the new Imperial Armor 13 looks to have it’s own more sinister special rules.

Looks like not only are they for being present at significant battles throughout the long war, some allow the vehicle to become a vessel for a Daemon!

Courtesy of Mr Mystery BoLS Lounge

Legacies of Ruin anyone? I shan’t post points in line with posting rules. I don’t want anyone to get into troub (especially me)

Veteran of the Scouring
Any Tank or Super Heavy (sep costs) – It Will Not Die, and Preferred Enemy (Space Marines). Can be taken by a CSM Walker or Super-heavy Walker – It Will Not Die, Hatred (SM)

War within the Eye
Tank and Supes (sep costs) – Adamantium Will, Preferred Enemy (CSM). Walker or Supe Walker – Adamantium Will, Hated (CSM)

Maelstrom Rider (I likes this one!)
Vehicle or Supes – Outflank and Fear

Death of Kasyr Lutien
Vehicle or Supes – Fear, and any friendly Malific powers cast within 12″ can re-roll one D6 for each remaining Hull Point

Blood of Mackan
Tank or Supes – Preferred Enemy (Blood Angels), Defence Lines and Barricades do not count as Dangerous Terrain. If fitted with Destroyer Blades, when Tank Shocking, and after Death or Glorying, gains AP equal to it’s remaining Hull Points (in excess of 6 being – instead)

Siege of Vraks
Vehicle or Supes – Ignores Dangerous Terrain damage on a 4+, and re=roll failed To Hits against targets located in Defence Lines

Fourth Quadrant Rebellion
Vehicles and Supes – Friendly units of Cultists within 12″ are Fearless, and when down to it’s last Hull Point, gets a 4+ Invulnerable

Badab Uprising
Tank and Supes – Fear and Preferred Enemy (SM). Walkers and Supe Walkers – Rage and Hatred (CSM)

Scourge of the Greenskins
Tanks only – extra D6″ when Tank Shocking, and Preferred Enemy (Orks)

Last of the Forge
Vehicle with Transport Capacity only – Stunned and Shaken ignored on a 4+ (hull points lost as normal), Preferred Enemy (Tyranids), and transported unit gains Hatred (Tyranids)….*cough Kharybdis cough*

Screams of Lugganath
Vehicle or Supes – When attacked by Eldar, has Fear, and if equipped with a Dirge Caster, increases the range of it by 12″

Perdus Rift Anamoly
Vehicles and Supes – If deployed (as in, on the board, not held in reserves) at the beginning of the game, you can re-roll to seize the initiative, Preferred Enemy (Tau)

1st War for Armageddon
Vehicle or Supes – Daemonic Saves made within 6″ improve by 1, to a max of 2+, and has Fear when attacked by Astra Militarum Forces

(almost there! Stay on target!)

Vessel of Akashneth of the Boiling Brass
Vehicle or Supes – Fear, and friendly units with an Icon of Wrath within 12″ count as having inflicted an additional D3 wounds for the purposes of working out who wins an assault, (also counts as Daemonic Possession as per CSM book)

Vessel of Shyak The Seeker
Vehicle or Supes – Fear, enemy units within 12″ of an Icon of Excess roll an additional D6 and discard the lowest on ANY Leadership based test (emphasis mine) (also counts as Daemonic Possession as per CSM book)

Vessel of Dhornurgh The Reborn
Vehicles and Supes – Fear, all friendly units within 6″ with the Icon of Despair have the Gets Hot! and Rending special rules in HTH (also counts as Daemonic Possession as per CSM book)

Vessel of Tzenahk the Occluder
Vehicle and Supes – Fear. At the beginning of the game, roll a D6… 1. If this vehicle is destroyed, opponent bags an extra VP. 2-6. If it survives, you get an additional D3 VPs. (also counts as Daemonic Possession as per CSM book)

Auloth the Primordial Iterator
Vehicle and Supes – Fear, all weapons gain Pinning. All friendly units within 12″ have the Fear and FnP special rules (also counts as Daemonic Possession as per CSM book)

Crikey. Blimey. Fingers tired. Hopefully that’s enough for you to salivate over (and hopefully not rage over. I like the rules, but as above, have no objective opinion as to points and effectiveness. I just think the rules sound cool 

Very cool, can’t wait for the book to hit. This fall seems to be all about Chaos! Now where’s that Horus Heresy book IV?

Oh and checkout what else is in Imperial Armor 13 HERE -MBG