GameStop Wants To Be Your Local Game Store Now!

gamestop walAfter the GameStop franchise had a rocky few financial years, they are changing and may want to be your local game store now. Check this out!

If you walk into GameStop these days, you’ll probably note that it’s somewhat of an awkward cross between BestBuy and Hot Topic. While GameStop used to be hugely popular in the past, it seems like things have slowed down.

With all of the digital download games and people ordering deals from companies like Amazon, GameStop might have been one of those businesses that suffered.

Now they’re trying a new approach to stay in the game so to speak.

GameStop Wants To Be Your Local Game Store Now!

gamestop store frontIn 2019, GameStop took a massive financial hit losing out on $500 million in sales. Even in 2018, they reported taking a $488 million hit as well.

According to IGN:

The specialty video game retailer has seen declining profits since the accelerating growth of digital game purchases and the rise of online retailers like Amazon over the past decade. In 2017, the company announced plans to close 150 stores after a 13.6% year-over-year drop in global sales. In 2018, GameStop reported a massive $488.6 million USD third-quarter loss and there were plans to sell the business, a plan which ultimately ended without a buyer. GameStop then reported another half-billion-dollar loss in 2019, accompanied by further layoffs.

With a steady trend of things not working, GameStop is beginning to explore new avenues to bring people back into their stores. Playing every position on the field, there are plans to re-fit stores. Essentially gearing them toward certain groups of gamers.

GameStop Is Testing Out Becoming A Hobby Hotspot LATEST

gamestop storeRetail has always been a focus on GameStop. You walk in and the walls are lined with games. There’s really nothing keeping customers there except to buy the thing and get out. And with the company steadily tanking, they’re experimenting with turning stores into actual gaming hotspots. Who knows, soon GameStop might be your LGS!

International Business Times says:

GameStop 2.0 is described as a “foundational” concept that creates a more social atmosphere in the store while maintaining its retailer roots. It will feature a cleaner shopping space paired with social experiences. These include a new hands-on accessory wall, a “couch co-op” space, bays to play games on various consoles and a tabletop gaming area.

They aren’t stopping at just giving space for video and tabletop games either. Apparently, stores are going to be “themed” around certain aspects.

GameStop Retro is based on GameStop’s foundation as a re-seller, with hundreds of classic games and consoles available. It will also feature four CRT televisions for play on older consoles.

GameStop Pop! will cater to “hardcore collectors” looking for new toys, clothes and other items based on various gaming properties. It serves as an offshoot of GameStop’s short-lived ThinkGeek storefronts that opened in 2016 and 2017.

We’ve Already Seen What Refitted Stores Look Like- And they’re Actually Nice

gamestop store new 1Spotted on Exclusively Games, we’ve seen pictures of a retro-fitted store with the new playing space we were talking about above. And it actually looks sweet. Definitely giving potential to become some players’ new LGS.

gamestop store new 2…with the back half of the store being entirely dedicated to retro gaming, as well as tabletop gaming. Snacks for sale aren’t far away, and to get there you have to walk through a hefty assortment of the latest games and a time capsule of retro gaming.

gamestop store new 3Sure, things might look a bit cramped in some areas. But they’re definitely not as bad as some Games Workshop stores we’ve seen. Perhaps the massive appeal to this is that GameStop is considered a major company with funds to be able to bring a gaming space to the most people across the country.

Believe it or not, some areas don’t have hobby shops closeby and have to drive at least an hour to get to one.  Thankfully, GameStop stores are all over and could start to pull all kinds of new gamers in.

It remains to be seen if they will dive into the tabletop gaming scene at some point, but card and board games seem to be a no-brainer at this point!

With all of this announced, will you be stopping by your GameStop to see if they have any plans to refit their store? Would you hang out in a GameStop if it catered to what you play? 

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