GW Previews More Escher House of Blades Rules

EscherThere are a lot more Escher rules on the way as GW just previewed more goodies for the grimdark gang from House of Blades.

Warhammer Community revealed another wave of rules and units for the Eschers themed around House of Blades. We’ve been seeing teasers earlier on as well so be sure to check this out and get caught up! Now here’s the latest.

GW Previews More Escher House of Blades Rules

necromunda escher priannaHouse of Blades adds a pair of Escher-specific Hangers-on in the form of an Apprentice Clan Chymist and a Shivver. On the front line, the young Chymist learns how to concoct various toxins and, if they’re fortunate, they might get to participate in the creation of a Death-maiden.

escher last ritesA cool aspect coming for the Escher gang is that they can resurrect their leader to be a Death Maiden. Granted, you have to roll absolutely terrible on the after-game damage table but there’s always the chance that you could bring back a toxic zombie girl into the gang.

necromunda escher death maidensThat’s pretty sweet, right?

Escher Shivvers Are a Thing

escher shivverIn the underhive, there are rumours that Shivvers have uncanny foresight, and there are many Gang Queens who would seek such an advantage. Once a Shivver has set up residence in a gang’s hideout, they may bless a fighter with their precognition.

It’s important to note that you don’t bring the Shivver onto the tabletop. It’s not a model. Instead, it’s like your gang goes to that creepy old cabin on the edge of the cliff the nobody ever goes to and the person inside just happens to have magic powers of fortune-telling.

visit shivverIf you roll bad, you can have a fighter sit out of the next game. However, even if you roll decently well, you can get some crazy buffs that last for your next game. Mysterious Stranger lets you hire a Bounty Hunter Hired Gun for free and use them all next game. After that, they leave. Holy smokes that’s sick.

Betti Banshee, the Vox Box Bounty Hunter

escher betti bansheeHouse Escher also gets a new house-specific Bounty Hunter in the form of Betti Banshee. She was once a Gang Queen until an unfortunate encounter with a Goliath ‘Zerker saw her lose her throat and lower jaw. Fortunately, a local doc had just the thing – a vox-hailer from an old devotional servitor. Soon enough, her mechanical voice was echoing throughout the underhive, a sound that means death for the enemies of House Escher.

betti bansheeWe saw this girl previewed a while back but this time, we can see some of her wargear and rules. She’s coming stock with two custom power blades that put her at S5 -2Ap. She also comes with Parry and Power as some extra Traits. Plus, with a 7″ move, she’ll be screaming down the corridors to unlucky enemy gangers.

banshee wailBanshee Wail is brutal. She screams super loud and forces everyone around her within 6″ to make a Willpower check. If they fail, they can only do one action and in addition, they can’t make any reaction attacks at all if she just charged in. YIKES.

Ulanti Court Advisor

escher ulanti court advisor While any gang can ally with House Ulanti, the Escher clan have a special bond with this noble house. Once allied, you can add a Ulanti Court Advisor to your gang before a battle. Of course, a Ulanti Courtier wouldn’t go anywhere without their bodyguard, a Mirror Mask.

escher ulanti court advisor 2


escher ulanti court advisor 3


escher ulanti court advisor 4These chicks are awesome. The unit comes as two separate models that have two wounds and attack apiece. Plus, with a 3+ WS, they can hit consistently. Where these guys are really great are their special rules. They can attack before the danger that charged them even gets to and the Mirror Mask can swap spots with the Courtier for some protection.

It’s also worth noting that it looks like GW doesn’t have any plans on giving these new units their own models, unfortunately…

Not only are these useful in the game, but they also provide some fantastic modelling opportunities. Maybe Elucia Vhane would make an excellent base for a Ulanti Courtier, and how about using a Drukhari Reaver helmet for your Mirror Mask?

Overall, it seems like Eschers got the full work-up from GW! It’ll be exciting to see how they show the love to Orlocks in House of Iron next.

What do you think about all of the new Escher rules and units? 

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