New FAQs For Necromunda House of Chains & Blades!

necromunda hor walpaperThe two latest expansion books for Necromunda, House of Blades, and House of Chains just got their wave of FAQs. Check out what’s changed.

Warhammer Community announced some FAQs for House of Blades and House of Chains. These books were centered around Eschers and Goliath respectively. All in all, it looks like the book was pretty-well designed as this wave of FAQs has hardly changed anything. That’s a promising sign for future codexes in 40k’s 9th Edition.

At the time of writing this, it looks like it’s almost impossible to navigate GW’s site to find these FAQs

New FAQs For Necromunda House of Chains & Blades!


necromunda faqStarting with the House of Chains (which was for the Goliath gang), the only thing that’s been changed is Djangar’s custom stub cannon got the Sidearm keyword.

For the Eschers, the Phyrr Cat went down in cost a bit, the ammo check on a boltgun went to a 6+ and the Wyld Bow had its damage bumped from zero to one. this looks like all just some bookkeeping stuff that was missed in all the edits.

One nice thing to note is that the power knife doesn’t give an unreasonable +2 Strength anymore either. Instead, you get a decent Strength bonus (wounding most things on 3’s) while also getting the chance to disarm the dude you’re fighting in melee with.

Jot These Updates Down

Necromunda Underhive Wal HorAs we’ve said before, the changes are hard to find on the site but they’re relatively small considered the types of edits we’ve seen done to 40k supplements like Salamanders and Imperial Fists in 8th. Also, as we mentioned that this page (right now) looks impossible to navigate to through WHC.

You may want to print out the changes or maybe write down what’s pertinent to your gang while you’ve got it pulled up.

Have the House-themed books been a welcome rules supplement to your gang? How are your gang’s new units on the tabletop?

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