New Games Workshop Pre-Order Allocations Hit This Week

GW-allocationsGames Workshop has hit stores with more allocations once again, this time for the new Legion Astartes and the Stormvault Releases. 

It looks like allocations (or, as GW calls them, “caps”) are back again for new Warhammer Day and Horus Heresy releases. 

Allocations have also been going since February 2023, so at this point, it seems to officially be a trend from Games Workshop headed into the fall. 

New Allocations Hit Votann Character & Horus Heresy Releases

Warhammer Commemorative Series Leagues of Votann The Ancestors Wrath

  • Leagues of Votann: The Ancestors’ Wrath: 45 per store
  • Horus Heresy: Legiones Astartes Battle Group: 20 per store
  • Horus Heresy: MKIII Tactical Squad: 2 per store 
  • Deredeo Dreadnought Anvilus Configuration: 2 per store
  • Stormvault Skirmish Case: 3 per store

These really aren’t too bad! It should be easy to get the Warhammer Day mini if a store near you has it, and even the big battle group for Horus Heresy! Only the Tactical Squad, the Deredeo, and the new Stormvault hobby case seem like they might be hard to get the first week.

At this point, though, with eight months of allocations, we don’t see it getting much better. So if you have your eye on any individual unit or character releases, you better get to your store early or try to score them on the website before they are gone.

Let’s hope GW does better for the rest of the 10th Edition and AoS heading into next year’s releases because this is quite discouraging for stores moving forward.

Were you planning on getting any of these releases before these allocations?

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