New Limited 40k Release Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED

By Rob Baer | February 11th, 2019 | Categories: Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw money cash

Don’t miss the limited release Severina Raine, and more Blackstone Fortress for Warhammer 40k that are coming next week from Games Workshop!

New pre-orders are on the way for this week from Games Workshop again.  Multiple retailers have confirmed the following lineup and pricing of GW’s next big releases.

Take a look at what’s coming soon, and see what you may want to spend your hobby $$$ on.

Severina Raine (Finecast) $35 Limit 3 per store accounts
female commissar severina raine

Severina is the new female Commissar model that’s. causing quite the commotion in the community! Not sure what her rules will be quite yet, but you can probably always add her into your favorite regiment of Guard.

Blackstone Fortress The Dreaded Ambull $60

ambull 1

There’s a lot more than just Chaos and some rusty robots lurking in the shadows of the Blackstone Fortress. This expansion is going to have the Ambull, more discovery, exploration, and encounter cards added into your games!

Blackstone Fortress Carrying Case $60

bf carrying case

What better way to protect your models than by grabbing a case designed by the makers of the game! It looks to be hard foam and zip-up.

Black Library Our Martyred Lady (AB) $60

our martyred lady 2

The galaxy has changed. The Imperium is divided, and a primarch has returned – and the Ecclesiarchy, the great Imperial church – is close to civil war. Only Saint Celestine – with the aid of Inquisitor Greyfax – can stand in the way of this disaster.

Horus Heresy: The Buried Dagger (HB) $30

buried dagger 3

For long years, the Horus Heresy has ground on. Now, the Death Guard have been sent to begin the final battle. But Mortarion and his sons must face their gravest challenge first – for Nurgle has claimed them as his own, and he will not be denied…

Honourbound (HB) $27

honour bound

This is the book telling the story of Severina and her adventures as she makes a splash onto the tabletop with her new model. She has to search her past and inner self to bring her company to victory!

Gotrek & Felix -City of the Damned $16

gotrek and feli

The Slayer and his poet companion – plus a host of friends new and old – hunt an ancient dragon, defend the city of Praag from an almighty siege and embark on a quest to save one of their number from the clutches of a vampire in a trio of action-packed novels.

It looks like a lot is in store for us next week as we get a wave of Black Library books as well as a sprinkling of new content for games (40k and Blackstone Fortress specifically). Keep your eyes peeled for more releases around the Vigilus theme to hit the preview spotlight soon as we get closer and closer every day!

For now, tell us what you think about the female Commissar model. Will the Ambull be able to hold its own against all your friends? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.