New Necromunda Gang Lookout & Rogue Doc Rules

New Necromunda models are on the way and GW gave us a teaser of what the Gang Lookout and Rogue Doc rules will be in the Underhive.

There’s are some new units on the way to the Underhive! These are “skilled” people hired by gangs that act as sentries within the different sectors of Necromunda or as a field Doc. As far as in-game rules go, we’ve got a small taster for the two models that are on the way.

Both of these models look to be going on pre-order from Forge World this Friday.

New Necromunda Gang Lookout & Rogue Doc Rules

necromunda gang lookoutSomething about this guy just puts off mega Star Wars Rebel vibes. As far as his role goes, gangs can hire this guy to keep an eye on other gang movements within the Underhive.

In the underhive, there are any number of people who are willing to keep an eye on a gang’s borders and pass along warnings of unwanted visitors. Whether it’s watching for rival gang activity or interest from the Enforcers, Gang Look-outs can give you the chance to set an ambush or plan your escape.

necromunda gang lookout heads upHeads-up is a sweet roll as it helps the dice swing in your favor for Attacker/Defender rolls. He’ll also let you add 1 to any rolls for Sentry Spotting.

Increasing your chances to choose whether you’re the Attacker or Defender in a scenario is a boon to any gang, as is gaining an advantage to spot enemy fighters in the Sabotage and Rescue Mission scenarios. For their cost in credits, Gang Look-outs are incredible value.

Rogue Doc

necromunda rogue docSo these Rogue Docs are basically people that have as much training as you’d expect from watching Grey’s Anatomy from start to finish. While their medical skills may lack, they at least have some general concept of what to do and they’re cheap! Gangs are always getting hurt and getting a good Doc is something most groups can’t afford. That’s where the Rogue Doc shines. She can give some medical care (which is better than nothing) without breaking the bank.

necromunda rogue doc patch upRogue Docs are super-useful to have around (and every gang can take up to two of them) – especially as you get further into a campaign and you want to make sure that you don’t lose your favourite fighters to a few unlucky dice rolls.

So you have the option of taking two of these girls in your scuffles between other gangs and they’ll be able to perform an extra Medical Escort action. However, the tradeoff is that if you roll a 6 on the table, the fighter is just Stabilized instead of making a full recovery.

Overall, both of these units look sweet! It’ll be interesting to think about which gangs combo better with either the Lookout or Rogue Doc.

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As far as what you’re running in your gangs, which one are you most excited for?

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