Part Football, All Mayhem – New Blood Bowl Unboxing

blood bowl

Are you ready for some Blood Bowl! Check out the unboxing on the newest edition of our most favorite sports game in the world!The wait for the most brutal game of football is over! Build you cage and get stuck into one of the most brutal sports board games of all time!

blood bowl

The dice feel heavy and seem to be made out of some high quality material. They come in blue for the human team and green for the orc team.

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The game board is made out of a very thick and high quality cardboard with very detailed graphics printed on it.

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The dugouts are again very high quality cardboard just like the game board.

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There are two sets of rules so each player can have a their own copy. This is a great idea because it will cut down on the time taken to learn the game.

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The Human team comes in a blue plastic material that we have seen before on the Genestealers and such. These minis are all push together so no glue is even needed.

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The new Orc team is made out of colored plastic just like the Human team but green instead of blue.

The rulebook is illustrated with beautiful colored photos to help in learning the rules, and acutlaly there is a sperate quick start guide in there that is pretty dope as well!

Check out the full unboxing video below and see just how cool Blood Bowl really is!

Blood Bowl: $99

blood bowl

A combination of strategy, tactics, and absolute mindless violence, Blood Bowl is the classic game of fantasy football. 2 players act as coaches, selecting their teams from rosters of Human and Orcs and taking to the playing field to earn fame, fortune and the adulation of fans along the way!

Included in the box

Everything you need for yourself and an opponent to play bone-crunching games of Blood Bowl:

–        12 plastic Human players: 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Catchers and 6 Linemen;
–        12 plastic Orc players: 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Black Orc Blockers and 6 Linemen;
–        extra balls, team counters, and bases featuring holes to place the ball in, indicating possession;
–        a double-sided foldout card pitch – one Orc side, one Human side, each divided into squares to regulate movement and combat;
–        2 card dugouts, each with a Human team’s sideline on one side and an Orc sideline on the other;
–        a deck of cards detailing Special Plays and Star Players, as well as references for the included miniatures;
–        2 sets of dice, coloured blue for the Humans and green (of course!) for the Orcs – a mix of D6 Block dice, ordinary D6’s, D8’s and D16’s;
–        a 56-page rulebook – this contains the basic rules of Blood Bowl, a number of optional extra rules (Fan Support, different weather, Illegal Procedures, time limits, hand-overs, block assists and more), a guide to assembling your teams and the story of Blood Bowl’s origins;
–        a range ruler (used for measuring distances when throwing the ball), scatter template (used to see where the ball careens off to when dropped) and throw-in template;
–        a sheet of decals containing number and team symbols, and a list of player positions that can be applied to the edge of your models’ bases.

Head over to Games Workshop to pick up your own copy of Blood Bowl today!