Rock On: More Chaos Slaanesh Noise Marine Previews

Here’s something different- a Space Marine whose music is so deadly it will kill your opponent. Behold the latest on Slaanesh’s Noise Marine!

Rounding out the holiday season of releases from Games Workshop is this killer little miniature. Check out the latest on how GW designed and painted this little blast to the 1980’s past!

noise marine

noise marine

Designing the Noise Marine

Maxime: “The new miniature was always intended to be a nostalgic remake of the classic Noise Marine, designed by Jes Goodwin back in the 1980s. As such, I replicated the original model’s pose and details as closely as possible, such as the Slaanesh icon on its chest and the daemonic head with a chain in its mouth on the left pauldron. Other than these iconic details, I kept large areas of the model blank so that painters would have plenty of areas to add own creative flair.

noise marine

The old Rogue Trader Noise Marine in all his 1980’s glory!


Now, let’s hear from the painter about what inspired the paint ‘scheme’ on this incredible composition.

Painting the Noise Marine

Chris: As with the design of the miniature, the plan was to match the colors used on the original model as accurately as possible in order to strike the right tone. This meant a rather vibrant color palette – that was all the rage in the 80s, after all! That principle also led me to paint the Blood Angels helm underfoot in their old-school, vivid red colors of yesteryear. Duplicating the original color scheme actually offered a number of fun challenges, such as painting the leopard print on the greaves, the color fade on the hair and trying to mix the right shade of eggshell blue on the arms and right pauldron.

One of the little flourishes I was really happy with was that I painted the top four strings in a phosphor bronze color, like real guitar strings, while the bottom two – traditionally made from nickel – were painted in a more silvery hue.

noise marine

You don’t have to wait too long for this new single to go live in FLGS’s all over- the Noise Marine hits shelves on Saturday!

Will you be adding this mini to your orchestral murder machine? Which ones are you looking forward to the most?  Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.